

Best Evo strategy?

I was wondering what you guys think is the best strategy for training in Evo world, so feel free to share your different methods. I usually just sit on the far right platform with turret + arrow blaster going and occasionally rebuff, but I didn't know if there was a better method for getting exp.

December 20, 2013

4 Comments • Newest first


I don't really like Evo, I've done MPE mostly for 100+. Currently 134 and will continue to do MPE during the 2x's events. If you manage to use the free 2x coupon with the 2x event, MPE will level you up like crazy. Just get a Kanna and Hs and you're good to go.

But for Evo, yeah, just spam Arrow Stream when generator breaks and set Arrow blaster towards the generator. I like to stand on the platform to the right of the generator one, at the same height.

Reply December 22, 2013

Spam the Uncountable Arrow skill, I forgot the name GMS gave it. (The mobbing skill that hits 5 times)
On top of that, constantly setup a turret to keep firing towards the middle and use Gritty Gust whenever it comes up.
When ever the machine thing stops; rebuff, and head to the top right/top left. That's where I seem to see the most clutter.

Honestly not sure if there's many other ways to do this...
General idea; spam skills when machine is working, rebuff and spam more skills when it's broken?

Reply December 21, 2013

You're better off using turret + Arrow Stream then rebuff when whenever the vacuum machine breaks. I also like to use Gritty Gust when the machine is broken since mobs are more spread out.

Reply December 21, 2013

I think setting up a barrier will be a great strategy to hold off the opposing enemies. From there we will call an airstrike to eliminate the biggest threats. We will then move up our men from the barrier to go about and fight the enemy, and after a while I am sure the day will be ours!

Reply December 21, 2013