
Best unfunded for survivability and mobbing

In terms of survivability, 1-120training speed, and mobbing

Warrior (except aran)


November 21, 2012

6 Comments • Newest first


[quote=PraisedAura]Non CS skillbooks aren't too expensive for DBs.

Heroes need Adv. Combo but can be obtained fairly easily IMO, just takes some patience if you're not really strong enough to kill Zakum and Hilla for it.

Marksmen don't have horrible survivability (I was under the impression that a lot of Marksmen said IS is fixed) but it is still somewhat low

I'm well aware you have a Bucc since I see you on the Pirate forums quite often.[/quote]

I thought there were nx books for the tornado rush and a couple others

Reply November 21, 2012

Training speed: getting to 100 is a piece of cake; don't complain that it takes an hour more for another class.
Thief: Shad if no time for skillbooks, DB if you do; Phantom is the better bosser in terms of practicality because of their versatility: their survivability is a bit less than shadowers while having more damage (DB beats them both in survivability on non-max acc bosses, but can't magic crash a boss or use magic attacks like a phantom can; DBs would otherwise totally dominate )
tl;dr-DB EDIT: No DBs? Phantoms then.
Mage: BaM by leaps and bounds (damage isn't that much lower, but their survivability just knocks out every other mage)
Warrior: Arans... but you said no arans, so Pallies for same reason as BaM: a little less damage, but survivability is so much better than the other warriors.
Bowman: lolwhat, Mercedes is best, but even their survivability is subpar compared to the other classes (Water Shield 30% incoming damage ingnored, Ignis Roar+Ancient Warding 40% dodge, and 5% HP/MP every 5 seconds and lots of mercedes still die at bosses - no pally or DB will ever die if they're funded enough) MM/BM loved getting their Illusion Step back for 30% more dodge on top of their Evasion Boost's 20% avoid, though, and BM has drain arrow.
tl;dr - they all suck, merc is the best, but all of them are basically the same

Mobbing (assuming 1-100):
Thief:meh, DBs are a really dynamic mobbing class with their combos for map control, as well as the best DPS with US spam due to its sheer speed (no shad will ever use ME outside of LHC/SH). No contest: DB. EDIT: Again, no DB. Again, Phantom.
Mage: BaM is close range but hits more mobs (8). I/L and F/P have big AoE attacks but only hit 6. F/Ps have mist for map control. Bishops, off-topic, have HS to train faster, but have smaller AoE skills. It's all personal preference.
Warrior: Again, aran, but you said no arans. I have never made another warrior, so I cannot speak for them. I'm sorry I don't know this
Bowman:Mercedes have the highest damage output with Stunning Strikes and Leap Tornado as well as map control with combos. MMs and BMs both use te same skill for pure mob DPS (AE/AR) but MMs also have mob control with Snapfreeze Shot -shudders in utter disbelief at the name change-

Reply November 21, 2012 - edited

[quote=PraisedAura]Thief : DB
Mage : Bishop / Battle Mage
Warrior : Hero
Bowman: Mercedes / Marksman

Dont DB need nx?
Heros need a skillbook o.o
DOnt marksmen die easily?
ANd my pirate is buccaneer

Reply November 21, 2012 - edited

[quote=andylong1014]Battle Mage. All the blow attacks hit 8 mobs. Blue Aura. [/quote]


Reply November 21, 2012 - edited

DS or Kaiser or DB or Pally, then probably merc and phantom, after that then maybe a UA shad or NL.

Reply November 21, 2012 - edited

[quote=skandaispwn]Bowmaster, dat 4k hp and getting 3 shotted at LHC always best[/quote]

dont you have drain arrow?

Reply November 21, 2012 - edited