

average range for a lv185

What is an average range for a lv185 phantom?

current range: 51k buffed (stolen skills: HB, HS/combo, SE)

and what range would I need to hit 150k+ constantly with mille?

August 9, 2013

6 Comments • Newest first


I have the ghost ship exchorist badge, but i didn't try to put potential on it yet or scroll it, and i don't really have much to get a good card.
the current card i have is rare 3L +6 w.atk

and @Masterobert i actually have a 170 atk cane, it will have 185 atk if i can get the last 3 slots to work since 1 scroll failed and is not hammered yet

Reply August 9, 2013

That's pretty good imo.
Do you have the heart eqp yet? I would use rage for a better boost tho.

And i recommend you getting a card now esp in broa, before and now it's pretty cheap for a decent card.
not sure if the FMs are still as friendly but i got my 3l legendary 18% total dmg card for 1.5b.

I think that's a good deal?
When the unique pot scroll comes up, scroll your ghost ship exchorist badge ^^

Reply August 9, 2013

i have the same range but im lvl 166

Reply August 9, 2013

average range for 185 is probably 40k or something like that. Good range is like 80k this assumption is based on the fact that average is what is in between of all phantom ranges for level 160-200 and good means above most phantoms. Although do take into consideration that phantom is probably the hardest thief to fund

Reply August 9, 2013

well i have 6 empress equips a 185 atk cane, and all the lv2 links (but jett)
and most of my stuff has bad potential and i only have mw left to max but i dont plan on getting those books
but other than that my 4th job skills are maxed
im also working on a bucc for the character card

Reply August 9, 2013

Your range isn't bad, nor is it the best. Once you reach level 200 (or a level near 200) you'll find yourself wanting to upgrade more which is what most people do.
I'd say you'll need maybe around 70K~80K range to hit 150K on Mille? It depends on the buffs you're using though.
@LaserJet: Nice! Looks like you're slowly getting up there. Yeah don't buy MW yet because you'll be able to buy MW20 and 30 for 7 and 10M and they work at a 100% rate. You already have a good Cane, so now you should get better gear. If you have not already, get % LUK gear and I wouldn't worry about upgrading your Empress items just yet based on what you said.

Reply August 9, 2013 - edited