
Has reboot world killed the other servers? Many people have been speculating that reboot world will be the end of pay2win servers. People who have spent thousands on this game hated the thought of losing their investment, so they tagged the pro-rebooters as "troll". They claimed that reboot would be active for only 2 weeks and then die out. They pointed to KMS reboot world, where it only ranks #3 or #4 in server popularity (They forgot that pay2win isn't rampant in KMS, so there is no reason for free2players to change servers if they spent some time on other servers). It's been 3 months since reboot world has been released, and the other servers lost like 90% of the population they had pre-reboot with no signs of population growth


What if reboot makes this game more pay2win? What if reboot world isn't really about Nexon promoting fair play? What if it's just a way for Nexon to further make the game pay2win by milking the whales? Now I know what all of you are saying... How does that even make sense? Well, let's have a look at the new Android Heart that was released through the cash shop recently. It's only slightly stronger than the next best Android Heart, but it's not its strength that's concerning; what's troubling is that Nexon would even release the most powerful heart through the cash shop. That shows intent. In my opinion, Nexon is just testing the waters to see how much more they can milk from the whales. I think further down the line, Nexon is going to start