
What if reboot makes this game more pay2win?

What if reboot world isn't really about Nexon promoting fair play? What if it's just a way for Nexon to further make the game pay2win by milking the whales?

Now I know what all of you are saying... How does that even make sense?

Well, let's have a look at the new Android Heart that was released through the cash shop recently. It's only slightly stronger than the next best Android Heart, but it's not its strength that's concerning; what's troubling is that Nexon would even release the most powerful heart through the cash shop. That shows intent. In my opinion, Nexon is just testing the waters to see how much more they can milk from the whales.

I think further down the line, Nexon is going to start making non-reboot worlds more pay2win. I expect damage cap modifiers and other insanely OP items only available with NX. Now that I think about it, it's the only sensible business move that Nexon can make.

The reboot server is just a front in order to appease the non-paying crowd. By having the reboot world available for casual maplers, Nexon can continue making pay2win items in the cash shop without taking heat from the community. You don't like pay2win and 1 billion damage cap? Then go join reboot - simple solution. This way, Nexon makes money from both henehoes and whales.

November 30, 2015

19 Comments • Newest first


I doubt it, this game follows kms in terms of updates and Kms seems to be gearing towards helping the tuna fish. There aren't many whales in the ocean bruh, in fact no one is willing to over spend on this game unless they make a lot of money and don't need it for something else in their life. I would've bought the box and took my chances at the heart but the heart will be back and it will be cheaper . But lets let those who got the heart now rejoice, because if they were willing to spend that much money now then they deserve to be the select few who own it.

Reply November 30, 2015

Its probably part of the reason they're releasing Reboot.
But even then, it doesn't really matter if people that don't want to pay to win are playing in Reboot world.

Whales like feeling strong. Paying money makes them feel strong. They're happy.

Those who don't like spending money to be strong have been dealing with P2W players for years. Reboot is finally here to change that. Now they can be happy too!

Reply November 30, 2015

@star909: Myopic... hmm, I like that. Thank you for expanding my vocabulary ma'am.

Reply November 30, 2015

too lazy to read the comments but hey 1b damage cap seems fine i mean i want a cap increase already (obviously there wont be one that high but it wouldnt hurt 100m damage cap for now...)

OT: makes sense but it doesnt i doubt nexon uses that as an excuse to be able to make the game more pay2win but who knows.

Reply November 30, 2015

Except like, that literally is the opposite purpose of reboot. Like your speculations are going no where. Plus how can they even increase the amount of pay2win, adding more items that are slightly better than the last on people who already cap? and if the damage cap got near the billions people would simply quit. Like I doubt people would enjoy that one TMS overall that increases the damage cap to 100m.

Reply November 30, 2015

@leechforever Maplestory isn't pay2win it's pay to get better or look better. As a person who rarely use nx sure it could be pay to look better or get stronger.
1. There are ways to avoid the pay to get better.
a) grind mesos, buy nx and buy better equips
b) find items that look good
c) get cubes the hard earned way
2. Nexon want money to make it rain so that's why they want people to buy nx plus most players are causal and don't really spend mesos.
3. Nexon is following Korean Nexon.
4. If players hit max damage already then they don't need to buy more stuff.
5. It's an "if" that it might happen.

Reboot world is just grinding mesos to get better. Normal servers is really a mixture of mesos and nx. Reboot's perpose is to have challenge playing Maplestory. Nexon may put more OP stuff in the CS but it dosen't really affect gameplay. They are just targeting hardcore players if they add op items.

Reply November 30, 2015

where are you calling them whales!?? how do you know they are morbidly obese marine mammals?

Reply November 30, 2015

@leechforever: exactly. theres no point of speculating. why? its because nexon is always hungry.

there are 2 bills on the ground 1 50$ and 1 100$ which one you get? Both.

Ever since bb, population is never nexon;s top concern. thier concern has always been those who are willing to spend. the 10% of the population feed and support nexon hence ms is free to play.

Reply November 30, 2015

@jerry5000: lol... I'm saying the same thing. Nexon tried to reduce pay2win in MS, but the population is still declining. They're now starting fresh with reboot world so they can push pay2win in other worlds.

Not criticizing pay2win. Just trying to speculate what Nexon is up to.

Reply November 30, 2015

@leechforever: no one says you are criticizing p2w. nexon can make it more pay2win or less pay2win purely depending on if nexon want more cash. whenever nexon;s hungry, they will make it more pay2win.
You ppl need calm ur arse down and stop being unsecured.

Reply November 30, 2015

@jerry5000: I'm not criticizing pay2win. I'm just speculating that non-reboot worlds may get more pay2win than ever before.

Jesus, people. It's like you guys are being overly defensive about something?

Reply November 30, 2015

whats wrong if they make ms p2w? they are company, they are ppl they need to eat. it's not charity.

Reply November 30, 2015

Why are people responding with irrelevant posts?

Please, people. Let's talk about Nexon's ultimate strategy with reboot world. Nexon is a business at the end of the day. There is a reason they're releasing it, and it's to make the game more pay2win.

Reply November 30, 2015

They've already made nerf modifications to how cubes and potentials work, as well as royal hair and eyes.. believe me you WONT get what you want unless you use couple hundreds of them.. it wasn't like that in the past this is probably something they did this year

Reply November 30, 2015

I'd agree if the Reboot server was identical to normal servers minus the pay2win. I honestly can't see much of the currently population migrating to Reboot for the long haul. Not being able to trade is a massive downside for Reboot.

Reply November 30, 2015

@star909: Nexon had to tone down their pay2win items over the past couple of years because casual players were getting fed up with it and leaving. This hurts Nexon's bottom line, because Nexon has to limit the amount of OP cash shop items they sell. They would make far more money by selling OP cash shop items year long, and then creating a newer OP cash shop item next year, and then so-on and so-forth.

With reboot world coming in a couple of days, Nexon can now sell even more OP items in the cash shop. This is gonna be slow but gradual. First, it was the new Android heart. Next, it'll be a slight 10m damage cap increase item. Next, it'll be a 40 att ring. Then it'll be a 45 att ring. You get the picture.
Every time Nexon releases the next best item in the cash shop, the whales will leap on it, providing Nexon with a steady cash flow.

Reply November 30, 2015

@leechforever: ok were the violet cubes not enough of a tip off? Or the exclusive items from marvel? it's pretty obvious theyre trying to make money and calling this a "test" is a bit myopic.

Reply November 30, 2015

@muk96: I understand that people can spend their money how they like it, but this topic isn't really about the ethics/utility of spending loads on maple story.

I genuinely believe that Nexon is only releasing reboot world in order to bring in more pay2win items.

Reply November 30, 2015 - edited

I think people are smart enough to know when to stop, if they dont then they've got nothing going for them anyways. or have more money than they know what to do with. I dont see a problem with people supporting their game and getting benefits from it when there's a non paying option that takes longer.

Reply November 30, 2015 - edited