

Lilikobys not so great college adventure pt2

Pt. 1:

Okay so a few weeks have passed and I'm over said chick from before. I heard it's not a good idea to pursue committed relationships freshman year of college anyways, but the crappy thing is, I don't want all the cute asian girls to be taken (there are very few).

Anyways, the second part of my story has nothing to do with the first really.
I'm taking this huge computer science weeder class. At Berkeley, you need a 3.3 GPA in 3 classes in order to declare the major officially, which sounds easy but when you look at the grade distribution, is actually hard as hell. My CS class has 1400 kids, and only 25% make the GPA cap. I just took my first midterm and oooh boy. I ended up getting a 28/40 which was around the 50th percentile. It felt okay that i did better than 700 kids, but it also felt like crap to do worse than 700 kids. Not to mention, this class's midterms are not curved at all. whupeee.

For all of you guys who are not in college yet, be prepared for the following:
Hard ass midterms
Lot's of naps
fire yik yaks
lame parties
a lot of people drinking/smoking for the first time
lots of reading. LOTS. I have around 50 pages per night.
3 am bedtime
people who are: smarter, more attractive, richer, and have better personalities than you

Anyways, sorry this installment was kind of lame, I'm studying for other midterms right now. I kinda have some other girl problems brewing but it's kinda a long story that I'm too lazy to write at this time so I'll update you guys in the next installment. peace out bruuuuhs

September 23, 2015

15 Comments • Newest first


[quote=lilikoby]@sezbeth: Yeah, it's the first in the series of required data structure classes. There are calculus weeders to but I tested out of them and I'm taking linear algebra and differential equations now, so my courseload isn't really a freshman courseload[/quote]

I could imagine the amount of "math shock" you might be experiencing having jumped ahead as a freshman like that. I had a similar experience when I managed to convince a professor to let me take their dynamical systems course during my undergraduate (there's some use of dynamical field models in my field and I was heavily interested at the time; still am) without the required prerequisites. At first I was borderline lost (first exam managed to barely scrape by with a 72% and it was a rule that anyone who scored >70% on the first exam would be asked to withdraw from the course and me being "Mr. special permission", I felt like I was a prime target).

In any case, it's great that you managed to test out of the first weed-outs, but knowing what I know now, I'd be hesitant to hit those courses starting at freshman year, they can be pretty intense. I would've recommended putting off the course for a less rigorous schedule to help you settle into college as a whole, but it's likely too late for that. So, my next piece of advice would be to really go all in for the latter half of the semester; a ~70% on the midterm is a bit discouraging, but you may be able to climb your overall grade to a solid B so your GPA wont take too much damage. Just use the disappointment as motivation; it sounds corny but you'd be surprised how much that may work.

Reply September 25, 2015

@sezbeth: Yeah, it's the first in the series of required data structure classes. There are calculus weeders to but I tested out of them and I'm taking linear algebra and differential equations now, so my courseload isn't really a freshman courseload

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

@lilikoby: Ah, a weed-out course; if you don't mind me asking, which one is it? First one that comes to mind would be some of the higher level Calculus classes (I have no idea how Berkeley numerically classifies its courses), but subjects other than math have those.

Judging from terminology, I would guess that you're attempting to major in CS, which might imply that the course may have something to do with data structures if I'm not mistaken (just going off of observational memory from coeds).

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

@sezbeth: I scored in the 50th percentile, and the average was 10% lower than what I scored. It bums me out since the class is designed to weed out students. This was the first test, and the assignments were hard but not meant to be tricky. The test itself was made to confuse the students and thus the people who scored well have a very good grasp of the concepts which I admit, is one of my weaknesses (stackoverflow is my life). Considering that you need about a 90% in the class to safely declare majors, and the fact that I scored about 70% on that midterm (the tests in the class are not curved) is worrying.

Reply September 25, 2015 - edited

@lilikoby: That's generally why I noted not to completely dismiss your classes. Unless your midterm is somehow unreasonably weighted against the entire class grade, you might be able to squeeze out a halfway decent grade.That said, scoring that low on a midterm raises some serious questions about the assignments/tests before that time.

In any case, I'll admit to not being aware of Berkley's major requirements, but that just means you have some grinding to do.

Reply September 24, 2015 - edited

@sezbeth: At berkeley since certain majors are so impacted, you need a high gpa in order to declare that major. C's don't get degrees here. more like B+/A- averages get degrees.

Reply September 24, 2015 - edited

@tehraygunicorn: I dunno, from what I've heard freshmen girls are easier to hookup with. I'm not really into dating a girl that seems older than me. But if I don't date someone soon, then it'll become to late, then I'll graduate, then I'll have to meet my wife in a bar and get divorced after 2 years.

Reply September 24, 2015 - edited

@fradddd easier? maybe, but if you're looking for consistency juniors and seniors are the way to go lol not to mention they'll be a lot more mature and experienced by then (as human beings I mean)

Reply September 24, 2015 - edited

Don't fret over the freshman courses too much (if you so happen to perform less-than-par; not saying you should just dismiss them entirely). If you plan on pursuing post-graduate education, what often matters in terms of GPA is the last two years of your undergraduate. If you don't plan to do so, then as long as you don't completely bomb a course, you'll still be fine.

Reply September 24, 2015 - edited

@lilikoby: yeah Berkeley is like in the top 10 in the US.
And hookup isn't easy for me, girls are a damn enigma.

Reply September 24, 2015 - edited

@fradddd: also depends on the college, mine just happens to be super competitive
@tiesandbowties: hooking up is easy, finding a girl who is actually cool and cute that you can monopolize without having an official relationship is hard as balls.

Reply September 24, 2015 - edited

I must be having a lot of luck or something. I only have e 15 credits, but I feel way less stressed than everyone else. I never study and I procrastinate everything to the max, but I got a 100% on my first business test, and all my other grades have been nearly that good. But I don't even have that many graded things anyway.
The only class I suck at is Spanish but I think I'm picking it up again pretty quickly.
Honestly I have 12 hours of free time every day, and I'm doing better than fine. I am 90% sure it's BECAUSE I don't stress myself out like everyone else.

But yes the Yik Yak game is pretty fire.

@tehraygunicorn freshmen girls are cuter and fresher and nicer and easier probably.

Reply September 24, 2015 - edited

cheap beer and super preppy, rich & smart tri-state area girls at our parties.
easy game.

Reply September 23, 2015 - edited

freshmen girls are a huge nono -- you need to let them be wild and free and make the mistakes or successful choices (to each their own) they strive to make

My advice? Curb the market and go for the older women. It works

Also, good luck on yo midterm! (It's that time of year already?)

Reply September 23, 2015 - edited