

General Dualblade

How do I make my own weapons? Hi,im planning on buying a clean fafnir dagger and katara and would like to make them myself(scroll and stuff) but idk how to very well.. I would like about 300 att on my dagger and at least 200 att on my katara. How do I go about doing this? How much would it all cost? Will the scrolls that im going to have to use have a chance to boom my stuff? These are all of the questions im wondering but dont feel obligated to answer them all. Thanks :D

General Dualblade

Would like a range of 200-275k clean,what do I need? Hello,my range is currently about 120k buffed and frankly,I WANT MORE. I cant handle myself at SDH.. I would like to know about how much W ATT I need and how much % luk.. Also would like to know if I should get cra or nah and what weapons are ideal. I am not going to say what im using now because I want to make it clear that I will replace everything I have so its not important what I already have. I want this range for SDH and to farm hard Gollux easily,along with some other bosses. Thanks! :D