
Event game station and nut coins

I just got kicked out of the monsterpoly due to "lack of players". But i ended up in a weird map.

This event shop consists of black anniversary set, Orchoid and new damage skins and more. They're purchaseable with nut coins.
But i just checked the website but there was no information at all about the nut coins.
So i was wondering if anyone knew what this is about? Like, was it in KMS but not in GMS and i somehow glitched my way into the map?

Here's the screenshot of the map.,yl9mlyg
Just a brief explanation about the map: it's a map for mini games. Omok, DDR, card game and one more i can't remember. I need to talk to npc to enter these games but there are no npcs for such thing in the map.

June 6, 2014

1 Comment • Newest first


Yea, it's a known glitch and many people have been there.

Reply June 6, 2014