

lulzace #Shade Talk

General Shade

So they finally fixed Pdr however At least that it applies correctly now. Around this time last summer after a patch my damage dropped on % def bosses. It was around the same time we had an incorrect display issue, however it seems that this issue has returned. Apparently insight has become elemental resist ignore rather than pdr. So on my Zero I have all of my important links. One of which being 15% def ignore from my Lumi. So base 50% from mastery + 15% from that is 65%. Pirate deck is 6% so 71%. Zero's link is also another 10%. Add in the 2.5% from ambition and you have 83.% or 83% since maple rounds down for displayed numbers. So it should show as 83% yet it appears as 72%. And ideas whats up with this? And Beta's shows up as 44% when i

General Shade

Lag/High pink issue? I assume its ping because ever since we got black cipher I've had this kinda hitstop-lag-thing when I attack monsters. Usually inst a problem and sometimes it just disappears completely. It usually gets fixed after a while but it seems that my friends in game and irl with better computers and connections have it worse off than me? I'd say it's my connection but I have the same issue when I'm at any of their houses or anywhere else. Some have said they solved it by setting blackcipher to low priority but I hear that is also a possible way to get banned. Oh and not to mention pet loot can straight up dc you since the game seems to be unable to keep up with its own data relay which I also assume is due to BC scanning every