
lf damage algorithm for Ursus

Does anyone know how to tell how much damage you'll do on Ursus based on star force? Will people with all 15 star items cap?

January 8, 2016

2 Comments • Newest first


Wep Level and Total SF are just used as metrics for scaling your damage down, they aren't the sole factors. Your skills dmg %, amount of att and %boss, amount of your main stat, etc. all still play major roles.

The system is meant to reduce the disparity between low and high levels, so people using lv100 weapons likely receive a small or nonexistent damage decrease while people at the higher end will see a larger decrease from their original damage. Overall though, a 160 or 150 weapon will still be better than a 100 weapon.

TL;DR - Having a high lvl wep and a lot of stars doesn't mean you'll cap, you still need good funding.

Reply January 8, 2016

i really doubt it will take only starforce in consideration

Reply January 8, 2016