


Scam alert Surprise style box You give nexon your 2.1$ and they give you a box, you open it and get a 50 days piece of cracker that can't even be traded with others without the use of a store permit... Can't believe i bought 3 cuz i thought they were permanent since it doesn't show the expiration date while in cashshop. F U nexon :| Not complaining, [b]just a warning to people that don't read everything nexon post like me so you don't get nexowned and waste your money...[/b] For people who chose to act like a smart A.. idgaf For the nice people who are actually helpful, you have my eternal gratitude. troll away now


Scam alert Surprise style box You give nexon your 2.1$ and they give you a box, you open it and get a 50 days piece of cracker that can't even be traded with others without the use of a store permit... Can't believe i bought 3 cuz i thought they were permanent since it doesn't show the expiration date while in cashshop. F U nexon :| Not complaining, [b]just a warning to people that don't read everything nexon post like me so you don't get nexowned and waste your money...[/b] For people who chose to act like a smart A.. idgaf For the nice people who are actually helpful, you have my eternal gratitude. troll away now


Woooow nexon really This is for your entertainment... So i was "soloing" Ani with 2 other pro players.. lvl90 marauder(miss..miss..oh look more misses.. k maybe not that many) and lvl 136 blademaster(doing 20k dmg o.o...). When there was 30 seconds left ani had about 1% hp left... then he casted the puppet thing making us all jump like retards. o.o When i got back to attacking it, there was 10 seconds left and he casted the avoidablity up skill... >.< We could've killed it still but then that A__hole called nexon decided to kick us out with 2 seconds left ..WTF i want my 20 mins back.. sadface >.< >.< >.< :~( :( :| >.< My fault for killing so slow?.. :3