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Who do you think is a character of good person? Hey what's up everybody. Hope everyone is fine once again :) So I've been thinking lately about what makes a good person. I try my best to be one. So I'd like to ask some questions. 1. So if you were to pick one person or more, who do you think is a good person? 2. What issue motivated this person to be righteous and have goodness? 3. What is significant about their actions? 4. Were they or have goodness/power/wisdom/love/mercy/justice? For example. 1. Terry Fox 2. He had cancer is his leg so he wanted to be honourable so he ran. 3. His actions are significant because he ran when it was difficult for him. 4. I think he had goodness in him, love; it was unselfish as he didn't expect anything in

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Thoughts on this original poem? Hey guys, hope you're all fine. This is for my English class and I want your thoughts, edits, suggestions and such. This isn't actually necessary who I am, but we need to write a poem for a certain format so yeah. If you guys don't mind commenting that would be greatly appreciated :p I Am Poem I am carefree and humble. I wonder about the power of God. I hear the silent voice of the minors. I see the less fortunate strive for a life from day to day. I want them to reach their true potential. I am carefree and humble. I pretend I don't see problems and conflict. I feel saddened by the rich and greedy. I touch the air full of empty space. I worry if the less fortunate can be happy. I cry when the sick, poor, and

General Chat

Hello. Hope youre all fine Hey guys its me. Again probably don't know me but I just wanted to say thanks to all who helped me last time and I came back for more opinions :) So beginning of school, my locker neighbour had been leading me on. I want to be friends and I think she does too. Nothing more, which is good, I don't want four years of awkwardness and this past dance, the last song, I slowed danced with her. The night was great. But now she doesn't talk to me? To clingy my part or should I give this time? Thank you all and have a nice day~!

General Chat

Help me with your opinions Hello everyone! How's everyone's first week or whatever of school!:) I just wanted your opinions with how to deal with things. But first let me tell you abit about myself. I'm in grade nine all academic, my teachers are somewhat nice and don't care for homework as long as you eventually finish it and I'm a straight A student. 1. Missed homework because it was in my locker. It was quite the amount. 2. I has no old friends. They've left me. 3. I'm not prepared for classes. 4. And of course. Procrastination. Thank you and have a nice day!~ :)