4800 midlaner

Are there any good ones that I can solo carry with, I already have fizz, so would talon be a good choice for an ad mid, or should I save up and get zed? I just want to be able to carry games and not have to worry about other lanes feeding, tyvm~

October 17, 2014

16 Comments • Newest first


So I bought, ahri, I am really liking her playstyle, very fun! I have akali, syndra, ori, fizz, ziggs. I think swain looks promising because I've seen games where he just dominates! thank you everyone for your inputs, any more would be appreciated

Reply October 20, 2014

defs akali, and if you can get good with swain him too once hes fed its over hes so tanky and does so much dmg and if you wanta 3150 one go with mord ult ignite is so broken and if theyre fed as well you get them on your team

Reply October 19, 2014

Akali is bae

Reply October 18, 2014

I personally love Karma. She is strong as hell, a lot of poke, good sustain and movement, though needs a bit of practice
Anivia is still amazing, even with her low mobility and stupid autoattack animation, her combo hurts hard

Reply October 18, 2014

save up for zed
the only sub 4800 ip mid champs i can think of that is good rn is [b]xerath, ori, zil and kass[/b]

Reply October 18, 2014

the answer is always ryze

Reply October 18, 2014

Every time I come across a league thread on basil I usually disagree with the vast majority of the comments, really makes me wonder what elo you guys are or how much you play the game. I say don't pick any ad mid laner if you actually want to solo carry as you say, reasons being is because:
1. If you go ad mid then you're depending on someone else to pick an ap which is a bad idea in the first place if you want to solo carry because you shouldn't be depending on anyone. Depending on someone doesn't stop after they pick the ap champion, they also have to perform well because if not they fall behind and you're lacking ap damage.
2. No one on your team picks an ap so you are an all ad team which is easy to itemize against. The enemy team stacks armor so you lose the game due to lack of damage.
3. The majority of ad mid lane champions are single target damage meaning you burst 1 person and you're done which really isn't ideal if you're looking to carry your team, especially when while you're dealing that single target damage you get exhausted causing your target to get away, you've basically just failed at your role and probably lost the team fight.
4. Items with armor are very common, no one forgets to build it because it's already an item build into a variety of items so naturally they'll have a higher resistance against your damage whereas an ap mid lane won't be itemized against as often and as early because the magic resist build paths for all champions is very low.

I'd be able to give you a better choice of champions if I knew what level of players you were playing against but Fizz, Annie and Veigar are all pretty easy ap mids that I would suggest playing. Syndra, Orianna, Katarina and Ahri are also strong ap mids but they're harder to play. Personally I think Malzahar is a really strong mid laner too, especially if you're in bronze or silver but you have to be more careful in lane until you have a lead. Not all that I've listed is 4800 but if you really want to carry then waiting to get that extra 1500ip shouldn't be a big deal.

Reply October 18, 2014 - edited

I mean... he still can snowball but his match ups were hurt a bit, and Zed does everything that he does but better... I just feel that if he'd buy Talon he'd be pretty dissapointed...[/quote]

Yea I get your point. Just saying he still works and carries in the right hands

Reply October 18, 2014 - edited

Zed and Ahri are looking really good right now in the meta. If you're going to save up for a 6300 champ that can solo carry games, it would be either of those two.

As for a Zed vs Ahri match up, it's a completely even skill match up and the winner would be the person who is more mechanically skilled.

Reply October 18, 2014 - edited

I mean... he still can snowball but his match ups were hurt a bit, and Zed does everything that he does but better... I just feel that if he'd buy Talon he'd be pretty dissapointed...

Reply October 18, 2014 - edited

Yeah ahri just dropped to 4.8k recently. Talon isnt THAT bad after his nerfs. he still snowballs pretty darn hard.

Reply October 18, 2014 - edited

If you want a good AD mid go with Zed. You can carry games by splitting if you get ahead early on. If you would an AP mid then I would go with Ahri who is really strong at the moment and has good roam or Katarina who is stronger than Ahri but less commonly picked because she's harder to fit into team comps.

Reply October 18, 2014 - edited

RIP Talon, who went the same way as LeBlanc...


Reply October 18, 2014 - edited

Ahri and Ori as first poster said. Annie is also really good and Syndra is another one but she is 6300.

Reply October 17, 2014 - edited

If your good enough, you can carry with anything.

Reply October 17, 2014 - edited

Ahri and Orianna are pretty good 4800 mids... Ahri can roam pretty easily, and can help out other lanes if they're feeding. Orianna can carry teamfights with a good ultimate. Talon is in a pretty bad place at the moment, imo... I would either get Ahri or Orianna if you want ap mids, or save up for zed if you want an ad mid.

Reply October 17, 2014 - edited