


Uniqueness of Night Lords gone? Well post big bang has been very interesting. Today as I leveled to 119 I asked myself if I was ready to continue my journey as a Night Lord. Before big bang night lords were unique for many reasons. They were good at bossing, and had the very awesome skill... flash Jump. It seem to me that ever since shadowers have gotten flash jump, that night lords have become the class in the shadows. I wanted everyone elses thoughts on this. Should I continue on my future night lord? If not, what class do you think is the most unique/fun. Post your responses below. Thanks guys!


My friend fails at making igns T.T So I just got my friend into maple, and he is really enjoying it. I told him that he could make his own account, so he did. He asked me for some good igns to use, and I told him to make one up. Five minutes later he comes to me with the most random/ stupid igns ever. (He's 15 BTW) First ign: Romesco? It's a food Second: ForPeace Third: iChantSpheal (iCantSpell) Fourth: (the worst) DarnYouJew So tell me what you think. Doesn't his ign making fail? Or am I being wrong? To be honest with you guys, I made these igns. I wanted feedback on them without being flamed. As you can tell that plan failed miserably. Anyways thanks for the flames <3 Q


For those lower levels out there You absolutely have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to exp post BigBang. Sure it's half of what we had before, and sure its so easy to get to level 70 and maybe even 90. But have you really considered the people who are are levels 120+? Obviously leveling was much more slow in v40s and v50s, but maplestory has changed. What is it Now like v93? You can't just set there and say the fact that back then leveling was much more slow back then. There was a thread where tha person had said that leveling was so slow, we would only get about .1-.5 exp per kill. Well just imagine it for higher levels now. They have to basically kill 4 or 5 monsters Just to get .01% while at level 70 you could easily fi

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