

Da Mobbing/grinding

Hay community i was wondering if im grinding Right
I attack with the 4th job skill ofc But whenever I can use overload
Release I do it but then my exceed goes away are there any efficient
Ways to mob or am I doin right?


January 6, 2015

12 Comments • Newest first


@ajwright92 That comeback was so bad that i just don't even want to talk back anymore, good day.

Reply January 24, 2015

@ajwright92: So, you get the main idea. A normal person would use their logic to understand that pulling mobs in would imply using shield charge, not chase. Do you not see that he also talks about nether shield right after?....Kids these days don't know how to read. Get a clue before quoting me with such "an" ignorant response. Learn your grammar too, please.

Reply January 22, 2015 - edited

[quote=BaybeeBalls]@ajwright92 Nether Shield helps pull in mobs? Learn how to read fool.[/quote]
How about you learn how to break down what was quoted first.
You asked what the heck is shield chase did you not?
"shield chase is the KMS name of Nether shield". Get a clue before quoting me with such a ignorant response.

Reply January 22, 2015 - edited

@ajwright92 Nether Shield helps pull in mobs? Learn how to read fool.

Reply January 22, 2015 - edited

Training at SDH without the use of literally no potions:

Nether Slice, Nether Shield (the shields heal you), Bat Swarm (they heal per hit), Exceed four or five times, then Thousand Swords. Rinse and repeat. The bats and shields will prevent you from ever dropping below max hp.

Reply January 20, 2015 - edited

Release your overload only when you have to. Cycle between what the guy two above me said. I release my overload whenever it runs off. Remember your hyper last 30 seconds so 30 seconds after a release you should cast your hyper for maximum damage

Reply January 16, 2015 - edited

He meant Nether shield its the same thing

Reply January 9, 2015 - edited

What the heck is shield chase, isnt it shield charge O_o?

Reply January 6, 2015 - edited

As a fellow DA player, how I generally trained in SDH.

Always use the hyper buff for temporary HP boost and no -Minus HP during attacks. It's short and has a cool down, but it allows for a boost in range and allows for not having to interrupt our Exceed skill when training for a bit.

Grab a Mutant Snail Familiar. You should be training with one of these as a Demon Avenger (if you do not have it, you should get it). Helps you spam Exceed skills longer.

When you are able to use Overload Release, it is recommended that you hit as it is an instant HP relief. Your overload resets and exceed goes back to like 3 hits, but keeps your HP up, which keeps your raw damage up. Lower HP=lower damage hit. So keeping a balance of MAX HP + exceed is how to maximize damage as a DA.

Use Vitality Veil as well if your HP is getting about 30% if you do not see that you have Release able. This revives you. And you do you have to hold it for a few seconds to gain HP back from the mob.

Before you strike down mobs with exceed, always hit your Shield Chase to help pull in mobs and apply passive DPS while you use Exceed. Nether Shield, our other skill also does great damage but it also heals at the same time.

The formula during training for me is simple:
1. Summon Mutant Familiar
2. Apply Buffs (via Macros), including hyper buff for HP
3. Use Shield Chase
4. Strike with Exceed until Overload Release
5. Use Hyper Attack Skill
6. Repeat steps 2-5
Note: There are other combos that can be used as well and the order is up to you. DA has many useful skills.

Reply January 6, 2015 - edited

Try to limit releasing to when the HP buff you get from using Overload Release is wearing off. If your HP is getting low in the meantime, use Vitality Veil like kaxi suggested. You can generally get all your health back by just holding it for 1 to 2 seconds then releasing it. You should also always keep Nether Shield up; the constant stream of attacks from the shields will help to keep your HP from falling too quickly.

Reply January 6, 2015 - edited

I do not have a DA as a main but I always used the Green mist thing where you point your sword upwards to regain my health back.
Just tap the skill, no need to hold.

I also use those blue flying sword things because they also recover health i think

Reply January 6, 2015 - edited