

microcras #Shade Talk

General Shade

Summer Shop Dilemna I want this event to get me good equips... so far all I have is the dunwitch top and hat, both rare... should I sell both of them and bbuy a 3 lined one for 2.5 the price? (50 mil) or should I just get the gold potential stamp ( for regular potential) from the shop for 60 coins... Coins r so hard to get though and I want to use them on epic scrolls and cubes... I only have 425 mil as of of late... And what should be the order I should get from the shop? thx

General Shade

So using this shop to get endgame What order should I get my things to endgame... so far all I have is my secondary weapon (rare 3 slots), my cra hat (epic 2 slots), and my cra top (rare 2 slots) I have already used two epic scrolls on my hat from the summer shop... What should I do next? Get epic on everything else? add bonus pot? Chaos scrolls? Cube? Get stars on my thing by buying protection scrolls? Get 3 slots? Can someone plz tell me... thx :) If someone has a fafnir scepter or even a sweet water one can someone plz tell me?... All i have is a revolution one (Should I cube/ scroll that too?)