


Party Exp idea maybe it would be better to give more EXP the more people attack. let's take hilla for example. Let's say she gives 100k EXP solo. With another person attacking, the EXP gain might be 120k for one person and 150k for the other (whichever hits the most). For a group of 3, one can get 120k exp, 150k exp and 170k exp. but instead of bosses alone, why not have this apply to regular mobs as well? SDH mosters give like 50k exp i think. If one person is doing 30% of the damage to a particular monster and another is doing the other 70%, they split the exp according to how much HP.(plus party EXP and stuff) But why not reward those who actually attack together? Instead of splitting the EXP, multiply it. not by much, but make it better


maplestory sucks No foreal, maplestory can be a fun game but the game sucks. You log in and work on your character, talk to ppl. it's nice right? But still it sucks I don't get how difficult it really is to make this game not suck. What can they actually do to make it suck less? First off, tell us the chances of cubes would you? We're blindly throwing money at you and you can't even tell us the chances of tier increases in the game. That's like betting 50 dollars on a dice that you don't even know what the chances are. Be more specific. Which scrolls does dilligence actually add %success to? Does inner ability actually add attack speed boost to my current attack speed? my range is at 2m-2m, but what's my real range? How difficult is it to p