

Things that piss you off

October 31, 2013

31 Comments • Newest first


Encounters today:
My friend told me that he use to be silver 2 in league of legends and now he's bronze 5. He was bronze 5 all season and claims his friend "is a noob and got him down there"
Basically, people who lie to make themselves look better.
My French teacher read my answer to the whole class, and the question: Quel est votre artiste prefere, et pourquoi? My answer was, "Je n'ai pas un artise prefere, parce que je n'aime pas l'art." She then said "Tu as ruine mon week-end"
Basically, people who tell others things out loud to embarrass them.
(can't include accents since basil blocks it)

Reply November 1, 2013 - edited

[quote=Zoneflare4]@CureSword: I see more incompetent customers rather than incompetent workers. All stemming from their lack of reading and common sense lol[/quote]

Well yeah, but I think incompetent workers are a bit worse than incompetent costumers though.

Reply November 1, 2013 - edited

@CureSword: I see more incompetent customers rather than incompetent workers. All stemming from their lack of reading and common sense lol

Reply November 1, 2013 - edited

[quote=Zoneflare4]People who lie, cheat, steal, break promise, slander, deceive.[/quote]

Those,people hiring incompetents for work, and greed.

Reply November 1, 2013 - edited

[quote=MyNameIsUsernam]nah maybe if you hadnt spent all that money on games you probably would still have been able to afford a car[/quote]

l think you read my statement in reverse. Plus everyone that was around when l still played MS knew the type of activities my funds came from.


That gets to me as well but only if it's someone that l know is regularly absent and not asking because they legitimately missed the lecture.

Reply November 1, 2013 - edited

Ignorant, yet lazy people.
I hate it when people make it MY responsibility to help them catch up on what they missed in class.
Especially if they don't even take the initiative to come to class regularly. Like how the hell can you NOT fail the class? </3

I'm just so pissed that an ESL came to me today at lunch to bug me about what happened in class when she was "absent".
(She thinks that just because that she is disadvantaged a little that she is ENTITLED to assistance from another student.)
I swear to god that she wasn't absent. She doesn't even have any other classes aside from the one in the morning, yet she chose to show up when the class is long over.
Screw her! I'm not going to be manipulated just because I acted like a good samaritan who always lent her my notes.
She can just fail the class again because it's none of my business! >.< >.< >.<

And screw her for ruining my lunch by asking the most stupid questions which have been answered by the professor over and over again.
"Oh is the test on just Chapter 9?" Yes. Did you not catch that in the three weeks of lectures we had on the chapter?

Reply November 1, 2013 - edited

[quote=vCane]Do you even pay for your own tuition?[/quote]

Just saw this and yes l do. Tuition and car was paid for in full through Maple and Diablo 3 money but good question.

Reply November 1, 2013 - edited

yup, they are useless. same thing over here in bc

Reply October 31, 2013 - edited

[quote=sellinscrolls]You know, Native Americans have faced racism, toleration, and discrimination in the past.
They had to move to reserves, go into wars, get massacred, and other horrible stuff.
And you say that she's lazy? Looks like you don't have any problems in your race's history.
You seem like that typical racist white guy.[/quote]

[quote=sellinscrolls]in the past[/quote]

Key words right there. Do you see Jewish people milking everything they can crying help me because of the Holocaust? They bring their misfortune upon themselves these days. Besides, it isn't that l dislike all of them since l've actually met a few well educated and responsible Native people whenever l drive to B.C or Ontario. lt's just the ones here that have met a consensus on being brain dead morons.

Reply October 31, 2013 - edited

People who steal. Here's my reasoning.

"There is only one sin, only one. And that is theft. Every other sin is a variation of theft... When you kill a man, you steal a life. You steal his wife's right to a husband, rob his children of a father. When you tell a lie, you steal someone's right to the truth. When you cheat, you steal the right to fairness." - Kite Runner

Reply October 31, 2013 - edited

tbh i'm just disgusted at ts for his #1
haven't run into anything today worth getting worked up over though

Reply October 31, 2013 - edited

You know, Native Americans have faced racism, toleration, and discrimination in the past.
They had to move to reserves, go into wars, get massacred, and other horrible stuff.
And you say that she's lazy? Looks like you don't have any problems in your race's history.
You seem like that typical racist white guy.

Reply October 31, 2013 - edited

[quote=Zoneflare4]@vCane: not really cause I've been lucky to have some of the 5% in my life[/quote]

Like smoothies

Reply October 31, 2013 - edited

[quote=momozzz]Well you've already clearly shown that you think my view on it is stupid so we're left with you either don't care where it goes or you think it's a good thing. Was hardly an assumption with that few outcomes to choose from.


That's nice, sorry but not sorry about my lack of sympathy. We should [i]all[/i] get on welfare and get free stuff as well though, who could pass on such an amazing offer?[/quote]

You think you're smart, but in all honesty, you're retarded.

Reply October 31, 2013 - edited

Your selfishness

Reply October 31, 2013 - edited

[quote=NotZach]I bet you're 13 and watch fox news with your parents.

And no thanks [b]I'm content with my job as a webcam stripper making $100 everyday lolbye. stay poor.[/b][/quote]

l actually lol'd a bit. Might be a new level of low right beneath arts degrees and no, l'm 18 and live alone.

Reply October 31, 2013 - edited

[quote=momozzz]That's nice, sorry but not sorry about my lack of sympathy. We should [i]all[/i] get on welfare and get free stuff as well though, who could pass on such an amazing offer?[/quote]

I bet you're 13 and watch fox news with your parents.

And no thanks I'm content with my job as a webcam stripper making $100 everyday lolbye. stay poor.

Reply October 31, 2013 - edited

[quote=BoredAF]@momozzz: Likely...but incorrect. It was just a question, you shouldn't assume so much and just answer a question when posed with one. I haven't indicated at all how I view the subject.[/quote]

Well you've already clearly shown that you think my view on it is stupid so we're left with you either don't care where it goes or you think it's a good thing. Was hardly an assumption with that few outcomes to choose from.


That's nice, sorry but not sorry about my lack of sympathy. We should [i]all[/i] get on welfare and get free stuff as well though, who could pass on such an amazing offer?

Reply October 31, 2013 - edited

[quote=momozzz]2 encounters today


Saw some native woman in a wheelchair getting pushed around since her legs were amputated and she can't walk. Last l checked, you used your arms to move yourself around in a wheelchair not your legs. Instantly reminded of how Manitoba is infested with drunk, lazy natives that are literally good for nothing other than milking the government for welfare every month.[/quote]

I'm incredibly sickened by your mentality. She doesn't need your god damn permission or approval to move around in her wheelchair assisted or not. You sound like one of those people who get pissed off because people on welware have cars or even phones. like wow I'm so sorry they're not crying in the streets dressed in rags to please you by looking incredibly poor and pathetic.

OT: you piss me off, OP.

Reply October 31, 2013 - edited

[quote=BoredAF]@momozzz: That doesn't answer my question, college boy. What are they teaching kids in school these not to answer a simple question.[/quote]

A simple question with an answer that's likely to be used to say my opinion is irrelevant because l don't own a large business chain that gets taxed a large sum when l'd still hate the situation even if l've spent nothing. Only difference between our views on it is that you don't mind money going to someone that doesn't deserve it whether its yours or not.

By your positive attitude on it though, mind loaning me $50 so l can score some meth?

Reply October 31, 2013 - edited

Judging by your 'quips you don't seem to be rolling in the dough.

Reply October 31, 2013 - edited

When I'm sleeping and wake up at 2am because there is a d bag playing loud dub step in the apartments.

Reply October 31, 2013 - edited

[quote=BoredAF]How much money have you personally spent on tax? You sound like the gov has got you good for you to be this angry.

OT: Certain people and their stupidity.[/quote]

lmplying l need to be a big spender to not like that a good portion of peoples' money is going up the vein in someone's arm.

Reply October 31, 2013 - edited

racist people

Reply October 31, 2013 - edited

when I cant get pushed around in a wheelchair cause my legs got amputated and when people dont give me spare change when I ask for them.

Reply October 31, 2013 - edited

these damn tentacools and zubats

Reply October 31, 2013 - edited

@vCane: not really cause I've been lucky to have some of the 5% in my life

Reply October 31, 2013 - edited


- Waiting for my driving instructor. Wasn't really mad, only troublesome that I had to wait in the cold early in the morning.
- Missing the bus
- Waiting too long for the bus
- The rain
- People walking extremely slow in front of me
- Seeing my crush (still feeling uneasy)
- Wanting to go to the gym because of frustration, but forced to stay home

Reply October 31, 2013 - edited

Stupid customers

Reply October 31, 2013 - edited

People who lie, cheat, steal, break promise, slander, deceive.

Reply October 31, 2013 - edited