


I'm a lucky guy :D Hey fellow basilers. As I was perusing my characters this morning, I realized that my ranger was incredibly underpowered. So then I decided, "I should try to get those nifty Spectrum Goggles that could totally make me stronger!" I had a 10k card that I purchased the previous night, so I decided to go all in on the Henesys gachapon. First ticket, FOod coupon. Dang it. Second ticket, Gross Jaeger. Not bad. 3rd, coupon again. Really? 4th, Coupon again. This is some serious bull droppings. 5th, Brown Piettra Skirt. Really, Henesys? 6th, coupon again. Now I'm mad. On the 7th, Azalea Corsage. Hmm. I can maybe save face with this one. 8th, GOGGLES! I was overwhelmed with a sense of satisfaction that I actually got what