mythology100 #Shade Talk

General Shade

Party Bonus Exp after YouampI Update The question has been raised before, alas no one has yet to answer. In KMS's update of U&I, they added that: "Party bonus experience has been increased. Instead of being in only specific maps, party play bonuses will now be available in all maps! If you have 2 or more members in a party, your bonus experience increase proportionally. It will range from 125% to 275% based on the number of party members. If your party attacks the same monster, its experience will be increased in proportion to the number of party members, up to 3 people. This system will be restricted or reduced in certain content however." Info in : This has yet to be seen in GMS, nor am I capable yet to test this out myself.

General Shade

Shade Passive Hyper Skills As of now, My Shade is level 152, and I love this class as much as I love my first 200 character Cannoneer (PIRATE PRIDE). Now, Spirit Claw Hypers are practically a given to put points into, but the real question is what to put the remaining two Hyper Skill Points into? Bomb Punch or Fox Fire? I personally feel that Having Fox Fire Repeated Attack Bonus will help alot especially in bossing, but should we put a point in increasing Fox Fire's activation chance to 30%? Please discuss.