


Guild Impersonator : Glimpse Bera: I am the leader of GLIMPSE in the DESIRE alliance. Some person has been impersonating my guild and disconnecting other people. They have also recruited people into their guild that also disconnect and scam. This is a warning to all of Bera. I am aware that by posting this, it will be deleted or I will be disconnected as well, but this is to protect the reputation of my guild. Real Glimpse : Name : G L I M P S E Alliance : D E S I R E Leader : N 0 L U S T Fake Glimpse : Name : G I I M P S E Alliance : D E S I R E D Leader : N 0 D E E K It may seem funny to some of you, but this is a serious problem. Hopefully GMS will take action and delete the impersonating guild. Remember, this is a warning for everyone i