

Kiritias Commemorative Coin

I've been doing the daily quests around Kiritias and I've been gaining anti-magic. However, I noticed a shop in town that provides items and chairs for coins. How do I obtain these coins?

August 20, 2016

2 Comments • Newest first


@inqbus: lol what a coincidence XD thanks a lot for your advice.

Reply August 20, 2016

O hey I actually saw you in Kritias earlier today when I was doing my dalies x)

There's an npc in the academy area that trades antimagic for coins,
700 antimagic = 1 Anheim(silver) coin
1,200 antimagic+antimagic stone = 1 Kritias(gold) coin

If you're looking to farm antimagic, do daily quests and save up the stones, buy a 1.5x antimagic once you've got a whole bunch and use them all. Invasions can also give you a favorable chunk of antimagic if you participate in them, I had 5.8m contribution and got 1k antimagic from one I did earlier today.
Hope I helped a bit

Reply August 20, 2016