

Aran bossin

will aran going to be a bossing class when they revamp ?...

March 10, 2016

9 Comments • Newest first


you can avoid losing combo while changing channel if you use the infinite combo skill before doing so.

Reply March 15, 2016

do we still lose combo if we change channels is what I wanna know

Reply March 14, 2016

Yes, Arans will be very good bossers during this revamp. Only if you can use it correctly though, and time when you use your adrenaline mode, hyper, etc. theres a lot of utlity skills now that make it easier to maneauver ourselves though.

Reply March 14, 2016

@dliu456: you're combo goes up by how many lines you're doing, not 1 per hit (aka doing a full FB>BB combo earns you 20 combos) and coming out of adrenaline mode puts you at 500 combos. You also no longer lose combos as often as before and you dont lose combos when you die.

Reply March 11, 2016

@verkins: If you're making that statement (... one of the top ten strongest bossing class...) because of some DPS/DPM charts you found on Google, you're doing it wrong. Those charts look at Aran while they're in their Adrenaline Boost which lasts 15 seconds (20 seconds with hyper) and in order to reach Adrenaline Boost, one would have to reach 1000 combos. Enjoy hitting a boss 1000 times. (Currently, the amount of lines you do count towards the combo counters EX: Final Blow doing 6 lines on 5 monsters will give you 30 combo counters but after the Heroes of Maple update, you will only get 1 combo counter for each attack no matter how many monsters you hit or how many lines it did) Outside of Adrenaline Boost, they lose two lines on their Final Blow (three if you count the energy wave as well) as well as an additional damage loss (400%). Yes, their level 150 hyper makes them automatically enter Adrenaline Mode but it has a cooldown of 240 seconds. DPS/DPM charts don't recognize real situations.

Does this mean people shouldn't make them? No. It just means that if people are looking for OP bossers, they shouldn't be making an Aran. However, the gameplay can be appealing and if you ACTUALLY stick to a class you enjoy, you'll get stronger over time and that's why "play what you like" is 100% relevant. Yet, a lot of people don't understand that because of how close-minded they are.

Reply March 11, 2016

They are one of the top ten strongest bossing class after the Heroes of Maple update. If you enjoy Aran's gameplay, you should make one.

Reply March 11, 2016

Wasn't she already a bossing class now?

Reply March 11, 2016

Aran will be fine at bosses. Won't be Evan, but she'll get the job done if preped and funded properly to take on the boss she wants to.

If you've returned to Maple recently, here's something you gotta learn - Pick a job you enjoy playing, and you will be fine to do pretty much whatever it is you want to do. Unless you pick Buccaneer. lol

Reply March 10, 2016