

A few questions about the class


I have recently been playing AB and have gotten to level 133 and really enjoying the class. I love seeing the large numbers, even though AB is kind of slow. I was hoping you all could answer a few questions I have about the class.

1) I will most likely not be funding to the point end-game bossing and thus using 70% scrolled CRA gear from lv 150 and onwards. I was wondering if anyone had a rough idea of the kind of range I should expect.

2) Is there a way to use Trinity where I wont need to button mash? I heard from a guildy that you can just hold it down while the skill is hot keyed to one of the quick slot tabs (Shift, Home, Page up, ect), but I cant seem to get it to work for me. I'm wondering if maybe there is a keyboard setting I should be changing in the control panel or maybe its server sided? This factor may make or break this class for me unfortunately. I've played both Aran and Thunder Breaker both well into 4th job, but eventually quit due to the constant spam.
Thanks for the help friends =)

May 28, 2016

2 Comments • Newest first


2. Use a macro. This isn't against the ToS (confirmed by a couple GMs) since you're actively pressing the button. You can't move around while holding it down, but that's where you just go back to regular old spamming.

Reply May 28, 2016

1. you could have anywhere between 200k and 2m range depending on what your other equips are like/what the potentials are, assuming you still intend to get complete gollux sets and scroll them, etc

2. there's no way as far as i can tell. you have to mash

Reply May 28, 2016