

on the quest for clear skin

i've had problematic, oily skin pretty much since puberty, and i've tried a lot in attempts to clear it. i recently got this sulfur spot treatment that you're supposed to put directly on blemishes... it's pink and i look diseased, so naturally i took a [url=]selfie[/url]. i've heard good things about it but we'll see

but anyway yeah i figured most of you have/had acne, so i was wondering if anyone had any product recommendations/tips to get rid of it? as you can see, i have LOTS of active breakouts on my forehead and cheeks, and i have a big party for my 18th birthday coming up in about a month. i know it's not that far, but i was hoping to at least lessen the amount or get them smaller so that they're easier to cover (makeup doesn't really sit that nicely on top of them)

and yes i do wash my face and moisturize twice daily ok

December 9, 2012

3 Comments • Newest first


thanks all, i appreciate it
i tried proactiv years ago and didn't like it because it REALLY dried out my skin and made it tight and uncomfortable even after moisturizing
i exfoliate my face twice a week tops just because i've been told it's bad to do it too often
i've never heard of the banana peel thing but it seems promising (from the little research i just did on it)
admittedly i haven't been drinking as much water lately and i've noticed more acne appearing on my forehead. i only just realized that that could possibly be what's making it worse hahah

@sirenize well damn maybe i should try that

Reply December 9, 2012 - edited

Exfoliate and mosturize, eat less greasy food, put a fresh towel over your pillow every night.

Reply December 9, 2012 - edited


Reply December 9, 2012 - edited