

Psycho pass Great Show

Psycho pass, great show just on it's second series , if you haven't checked it out yet its well worth a watch , on par with Magi in my opinion, quite adult with some seriously scary bit's to it , well worth checking out. Has one of the best opening songs as well.

Have a good day all , it's friday of course it'll be a good day!

March 7, 2014

13 Comments • Newest first


One of HanaKana's best roles.

Reply March 11, 2014

@Plenair: You should check it out , might be your cup of tea

Reply March 10, 2014

@Plenair For what it's worth, it makes no sense to compare Psycho Pass to Magi. The two are entirely unrelated, from everything down to the fact that Psycho Pass actually talks about something.

Reply March 10, 2014

@FlamyHeavens: yeah it was perfectly suited for the mood but I don't get the reference so it makes me feel not smart

Reply March 9, 2014

[quote=Hellksing]The only thing I hated about it was that they throw random quotes from books/people I have never ever heard of other than that my second favorite anime of all.[/quote]
Really? I thought it seriously suited to mood of the anime, just random quotes that my tiny brain could never understand the philosophical significance

Reply March 9, 2014

How does anything get rated 8+ on MAL (looking at you Shingeki no kyojin)?
A bunch of people rate it 10/10 for no reason, or don't even look at its positives and negatives.
And just black out the negatives.

Reply March 8, 2014

If I enjoyed an anime, i'm sure someone else might

Reply March 7, 2014

The only thing I hated about it was that they throw random quotes from books/people I have never ever heard of other than that my second favorite anime of all.

Reply March 7, 2014 - edited

@razormana Sure, there are some srs pacing issues at times. The story as a whole is fine though. SSY is p great at worldbuilding. You get a good idea of just what it is about its society that has the people so confused that they don't know left from right. Everyone is paranoid and SSY makes it believable. I'm also okay with not seeing a 200+ Saki leading the village, because I get the feeling that the writer of SSY doesn't have any answers to the questions he asks. It's probably why he leaves the ending open ended, with Saki and that one dude awkwardly sitting there looking at her belly and being all like, "well, we messed up and don't know how to fix it, but maybe when our kid is born he can do something".

The part where it fails, and it's actually a pretty big failing, is the character writing. Idk if that's because of pacing issues, but there's not a whole lot that makes you want to care about their problems. Their problems make sense in the context of the whole thing, but the characters never do things for personal reasons. They always do things because that's the story and they're characters in the story. The entire conflict with Shun(?) is a good example. You're supposed to care about him after he shares one single half baked close moment with Saki and then just ups and gets messed up. Nuh uh, it doesn't work like that. But SSY keep telling you that you should care, bcuz it's the story.

Reply March 7, 2014 - edited

[quote=razormana]I mean yes Psycho Pass was good, it was one of the few interesting anime released last year that was different. But comparing it to the train-wreck that is the Magi anime is just insulting.[/quote]

How the hell did Magi even score 8.0+ on MAL?

Reply March 7, 2014 - edited

No offence but is all you do plug one anime a day, defend it a little when it gets criticism, then stop when the over analyzing opinions of @Plenair come into play?

I mean yes Psycho Pass was good, it was one of the few interesting anime released last year that was different. But comparing it to the train-wreck that is the Magi anime is just insulting.

IMO Shinsekai Yori gets a bad wrap because of pacing issues. I enjoyed it,
seeing the world from 5(?) kids experiences as they grow up (and their number diminishes) was a good idea.
But the sudden timeskips of multiple years unhinged the story so much. Regardless of how well Saki's monologues are written.
If it hadn't been so rushed and was actually fleshed out properly in the parts it needed it would have been so much better.
I also would have preferred to see a 200+ Saki (rather then a 10 year skip that showed nothing), showing her leading the village and the changes that have happened.
Similar to what was shown from Tomiko's flashbacks.

Reply March 7, 2014 - edited

Gosh Psycho Pass was amazing <3
I loved every minute of it
Specially towards the middle when * SPOILER* antagonist is captured but makes a badass escape from a planethingo *SPOILER*
It has a lot of deep themes and great animation overall
Yes the intros are catchy AF
I would like to show, cut open my skull look into my head~

Reply March 7, 2014 - edited

Can confirm
I'd also slap recommendations for Urobuchi's other stuff (Madoka, Gargantia, Fate/Zero) on there, and then maybe something like Shinsekai Yori for a viewpoint that he ignores, or at least doesn't talk about very much.

Reply March 7, 2014 - edited