

Post Star Force Training

Alright so I'm a level 105 Shade with no idea what to do. Eco lab was basically nerfed and no ones at mpe. Suggestionss?

December 8, 2014

3 Comments • Newest first


remember to use soul splitter on the zak arms when you get them low so you can get 2x exp from each arm!

Reply December 10, 2014

Do your daily zakum runs, when you can kill hilla do runs on her twice a day. Its amazing experience at your level and it will help you get a soul which could improve your weapon. When you can do HT do HT runs twice a day.

Reply December 9, 2014

You should be able to do mpe by yourself, but the best exp will be Romeo and Juliet pq until at least 130, but decent til 140. At 130 you can try captain and cru, but that still may not be quite as good as the pq. Also make sure to do your daily zak runs, at least the arms for great exp

Reply December 9, 2014