

Earphones that dont go completely into the ear?

Does anyone know any good earphones that don't go completely into your ears? An example of what I'm looking for is the standard Apple earphones, I'm looking for something with better sound quality though. I don't like the ones that go completely in because i find it hard to run in them and sleep with them in.
All help is greatly appreciated

December 29, 2012

3 Comments • Newest first


I think the bang for the buck you get for apple earbuds itself is pretty good. Otherwise, I wouldn't invest in any earbuds that don't go all the way into your ear. :x It's just counterproductive buying earbuds that don't go all the way in the ear when looking for performance/quality in my opinion.

Reply December 29, 2012 - edited

Yeah, why not get the new apple earpods? Not so expensive. Better than Dr.Dre's.

Reply December 29, 2012 - edited

have you tried putting the right head phone in your left ear?

Reply December 29, 2012 - edited