
Extremely fast leveling

So I haven't played Maple for a good 2 years. I log on, notice that Mr. Lee Airlines event, then proceed to do it. I bought a 2x exp scroll and literally went from 32-98 in exactly one hour. That's faster leveling than most [b]pizza slices[/b]. Where's the sense of achievement? You literally grind alone 1-160 in 2 days, 160-200 in less than a week, and then solo grind till 250 for months on end at the same map? There's barely even a possibility to interact with other players and meet new friends if you actually want to play the game. lolwut

..Uninstalling yet again.

October 4, 2014

21 Comments • Newest first


Then you'll be glad to hear that mr lee's was nerfed

Reply October 4, 2014

Preach it sista, im losing momentum for this game at a rapid progression.

Reply October 4, 2014

The issue is that the focus on the game isn't grinding anymore, but since you just came back from a long break, that's what you're used to still. The main focus in the game is bossing now, though you can still grind if you want to get to 250. Also, levels 70-165 are all done at party quest areas if you want to get the best exp.

Reply October 4, 2014

I agree with you. I made a new character for the first time since 2 years and I got to level 123. From level 1 till now, I didn't even make a single friend or interact with anybody. This game has been completely solo since 2010, unless you decide to go bossing with friends, guild members, etc.

Reply October 4, 2014

[quote=highcontrast]@imWanda: Neither am I and holy crap I better not be a father..[/quote]

how can u not be a vrigin and not be a father?
it makes no sens
ur suposed 2 wait until marrig unti l u hav adult relation

u r a father and husband probably



Reply October 4, 2014

it's almost like 1-200 is the old 1-70


Reply October 4, 2014

On a 2x event with a 2x coupon and a 1.5, I went from 13 to 129 in the hour.. it's really ridiculous. That is, if your a funded Hayato. you can simply dash through maps one hit killing everything except most of the bosses, and get around an average of 60% per map. It's insane. Obviously at higher levels it wouldn't give that much, but you get my point. Mr. Lee is high.

Reply October 4, 2014

@imWanda: Neither am I and holy crap I better not be a father..

Reply October 4, 2014

@souevks: yes.

my dad isn't a virgin and here i am


Reply October 4, 2014

[quote=imWanda]Did Sokka ever get someone pregnant
or was he a forever virgin?[/quote]

So all non-virgins male are fathers in your book? o.o
Sokka was and will forever be a player in my book, the guy don't believe in long term relationships

Reply October 4, 2014 - edited

[quote=ladyvuitton]In other news, Korra season 4 is out [/quote]

I did not know this. Going to go watch it now

Reply October 4, 2014 - edited

@PoofCake This game's been out for over 9 years now. Leveling used to be the goal but it eventually gets boring. The game has evolved. If the game stayed the same for 9 years, you think people would still be interested?

Look at other games. How often do people complain that things have turned into a "grindfest?" People ALWAYS complain about games turning into Grindfests. Nexon moved away from that, and for good reason.

There are more layers to the game now than there used to be. It's more of an adventure in my opinion. Leveling is made easier now so you can focus on other aspects of the game. At the same time, leveling to 250 is still impossibility hard to if you do love the grind, it's available for you.

The sense in achievement is always going to be there since we're all different people. Nexon has simply put their focus in other things. I get a sense in achievement every time I upgrade an item, help someone in need, make a new friend, kill a boss or make a nice trade in the freemarket.

Reply October 4, 2014 - edited

[quote=PoofCake]There's no way to fix this game as slow leveling = complaining, and fast leveling = complaining.[/quote]
You make it seem like Mr. Lee is worth doing at level 140. Get to 140 and tell me exactly how good the training is at that point.

Reply October 4, 2014 - edited

Did Sokka ever get someone pregnant
or was he a forever virgin?

Reply October 4, 2014 - edited

[quote=twopointonefour]You don't have to use it.[/quote]
Sure I don't have to use it, but grinding slowly while knowing that others have the option to do it 20x faster completely washes down the end level goal. When one has to softban themselves to "enjoy" a game, then the whole point of playing it is ruined.

There's no way to fix this game as slow leveling = complaining, and fast leveling = complaining. The whole system is corrupt and just needs to be ditched. Hopefully Maplestory 2 will reach my standards/expectations.

Reply October 4, 2014 - edited

[quote=ladyvuitton]In other news, Korra season 4 is out [/quote]

thanks for telling me, i thought that it'd come out at the beginning of 2015

Reply October 4, 2014 - edited

[quote=ladyvuitton]In my dreams, Zutara has a happy ending.[/quote]

Zutara is the hero the fanbase needs.

Reply October 4, 2014 - edited

[quote=Duzz]@ladyvuitton I ship Kai + Opal[/quote] In my dreams, Zutara has a happy ending.

Reply October 4, 2014 - edited

In other news, Korra season 4 is out

Reply October 4, 2014 - edited