

Dexless sin, should I attempt post BB?

Well, I am going to be getting a crap load of NX soon for my birthday, seeing as how I got Portal 2 yesterday for a 'Summer Start' gift. So I was wondering, should I merch 50k NX+ and try to go for a dexless sin?

Edit: Another thing, Sin equips are going to be declining in price soon (due to Chaos coming, and Dual Blades + other revamped classes) are going to be banwagoned.

June 11, 2011

1 Comment • Newest first


Hmmmm. Well, if you think you'll enjoy a Sin/Hermit/NL enough to put as much investment into it, why not? Plus it's not like if you declare being Dexless that you have to stay as one forever - feel free to go Low Dex later on if you need to. xD

Reply June 11, 2011