

Facebook Innovation

This may sound stalkerish, but i was thinking of having a software (Like facebook's auto-tag/face recognition software), so that once you take a picture of someone your interested in or someone you meet, it redirects you to their Facebook profile or give you a list of possible people they could be, it would cut down on the time to be "friends" and connect. Seriously, there have been times where i wanted to add friends i met, but i run into like 50 people named ________, and sometimes their profile/pictures are misleading.

*I know if you really wanted to stalk someone you can (*Hint Hint*) go to their instagram/ask/other social media page and usually they post a link to other social media websites they own.

*Who is going to spell out their facebook link/url, sometimes its like 20 characters long and really wierd.

June 9, 2014

4 Comments • Newest first


Do people still obsess over the number of "friends" they have on facebook?

Reply June 10, 2014

Or you could not be a creeper and just ask for their fb.

Reply June 9, 2014

[quote=kayfabe]you could always ask them for it personally, or have them do it for you[/quote]

But that's such a drag and takes so much time. /sarcasm

Reply June 9, 2014

you could always ask them for it personally, or have them do it for you

Reply June 9, 2014