

I need help with an Animation

I'm assuming animation would go under the art section, anywho...
I want to make an animation of this [url=]picture[/url] throwing it's spear, how would I go about doing it? I have GIMP but I'm having trouble finding a tutorial to help me. So any help would be, well helpful!
Thank you.

August 23, 2011

2 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Zarbaine]I believe AE has a puppet tool, which you could use to manipulate the throwing arm. After you have the basic animation for the throwing arm down, you could mask out the spear and duplicate the image to obtain that spear as another separate object. Once you have both the spear and throwing arm separated, you can sync up their trajectories through key-framed masking and animation.

Though this is assuming you can get After Effects, other than that I don't know how you would go about doing it.[/quote]

Thank you for the explanation.

Reply August 23, 2011

[quote=MechaDurian]draw individual pics of it in the process of throwing the spear and put it together[/quote]

That'll take forever

Reply August 23, 2011