General Dualblade

DB Training 120+ Where can I train efficiently? LHC sucks because all I do is spam my hornsters. I can't even deal good damage because all I do is pot spam. I even bought auto hp and I've lost lots of % relying on that. What's an alternative to LHC, or is LHC the best place to train =_= Thanks Basil. P.S. I'm just looking for a direct answer. I don't need any smart remarks from the people in need of attention or the people that experience orgasmic satisfaction from bringing other people down on the internet.


Finally beat a mech without DW So I had to share this with Basil :D My DB and my party member, a BaM, was training at Jesters and this Mech came in lookin all fancy with their smiley faced, pointy eared, yellowed eyed helm. He went to the middle ledge in the middle of the map and spammed his little hammer skill. Idk what it's called cause idc about Mechs. So the BaM went on the very top ledge and I went on the middle ledge. We pwned the Mech for about six minutes and he left. That was an epic win. Anyone have any epic win stories about defeating Mechs? Yea it was 2v1 but w/e. It felt so WIN. Edit: To everyone telling me stop judging that Mechs are ksers, he tried to take our map, simple as that. We ask him to change channels and all that ja