

I can't deal with this

I'm in a class right now, learning mathematics in uni, and I have no idea what the professor is doing. We are supposed to do this exercise with her, where she explains how she solves problems, and I'll try to explain how I feel right now:
It's as if I'm explaining a guy that doesn't know how to count to 10 what integral means. If that's the case, I ask you how the hell did I even get accepted to uni...
It's only the beginning of the third week of the first semester...

November 1, 2015

12 Comments • Newest first


Sounds pretty normal bro.

Reply November 2, 2015

I'm having problems keeping up with the pace. When I understand something, they already understood it a week ago.

Reply November 2, 2015

You can make it dude - I agree with some of the comments, go watch some lectures online, there is a lot of help esp. for first year calc. You're NOT alone in this one, make sure you're not in the bottom quantiles!

Reply November 2, 2015

What specific topic are you struggling with and what don't you understand about the aforementioned topic?

I've been a tutor for calculus and physics before and from my experience, 90% of difficulties people face arise from not understanding certain prerequisites or unfamiliarity with them.

Reply November 1, 2015

@ashleyattacked I can't memorize certain things no matter how much I try to practice them, so it's not because I'm lazy. I just can't.

Reply November 1, 2015

Welcome to the post-secondary world.

Reply November 1, 2015 - edited

i love sexy math teacher

Reply November 1, 2015 - edited

You already sound like you're doing well enough.

What exactly is the issue?

You want a deeper understanding of the theory?
I suggest forming a study group with like-minded individuals.

You're having problems with the practicality?
Do study questions with solutions on the side so you can understand where you're making mistakes in the process.

I'm probably the worst person to offer suggestions though since I skip all my math classes and settle for textbook learning instead. Relax and try your best.

On the side note, finally finished my descent optimization assignment. 2 and a half hours of calculations.

Reply November 1, 2015 - edited

@holydragon, i don't procrastinate, on the contrary actually, out of like 32 hours of being awake total during the weekend, I used only 3 to have a chill time, while learning during all the rest of the time, and still didn't understand 20% of the matirial, and it's stuff we were supposed to know like a week ago already.

Reply November 1, 2015 - edited

If it helps, my classes never make sense to me. I usually just do the homework and figure out where things fit. Like right now, I'm just like "What the hell, why are bus lines negative and are admittance"
-Does homework-
-Feels like a master at bus lines-

Math was the same. Fourier Transformation, what the... what the hell even? Ffff--- seriously?
I don't get it but okay, let's just do the homework.

As for your 3 hour youtube thing, it's a common symptom of procrastination due to feeling the task ahead of you is too big and pain. You can work through that with a counselor if you feel you are unable to pull through on your own.

Reply November 1, 2015 - edited

You don't get it, it's not that I don't believe I can understand, but for example when I ask a question, the answer is kind of vague and if it's a question about something "elementary" that's supposedly easy and should be obvious (it never is) then she says that it's not part of what we are supposed to be answering right now. I feel like if her pace was slower, and if she'd explain the obvious things ("supposedly&quot then I'd understand everything, but if I don't even know what the question is about, then how can I learn from the answer? During the weekend I tried learning by myself, having a few successes, spending only about 3 hours of watching YouTube vids and not learning,but even if I understood what I learned, I'm like a week behind in knowledge,and it's like they expect me to know this stuff already, but I never learned math at such a high level of difficulty like my other class mates, and what the professor is saying is basically a big "f... You, just get gud m8"

Reply November 1, 2015 - edited

Try harder. People are nearly always smarter than they think they are...and most limitations are a result of laziness/lack of real effort on some level than any actual limitation.

Reply November 1, 2015 - edited