


Chaos of Goodness or Incred. Chaos of Goodness I want to scroll my item. I have about 15 chaos of goodness 50%. Soon there is supposed to be a hot day that gives incredible chaos of goodness 40%. Should I use my 50%s or should I wait and use 40%? Judging from a thread I saw, people don't really get that great of results from incredible chaos of goodness. (like +1 ~ +3 stat usually) annnd the success is 10% lower annnnnnd my clean slate 20%s are very limited :/ What are your experiences with iCoGs and CoG? Help me! D:

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Can defragging affect maple Can defragmenting your hard drive affect maple? Last night I did so on my laptop, along with fixing registry errors and stuff, and now maple is acting a little weird. Monsters names/hp aren't showing up (yes I checked the settings, switched them on and off etc) and it seems when I use mobility skills (ones I've used so far are fj on my shadower and dash on my mech) I dc every so often right after casting it. Oh and for the attendance quest the counter that automatically pops up everytime you kill a monster isn't showing either. Edit: and on my DS, the glide skill stays on until I hit the ground.. even if I release the key. What is weirder is that when I release jump, it puts my character into a normal jumping sta

General Chat

I think Im losing my mind Literally, I think I'm losing my mind. Now I would consider myself an intelligent, competent, completely sane person (compared to today's average Joe.) But to give you an example of what I mean, I recently got a job at a grocery store. I've been having trouble checking my schedule and recording it properly. I know, sounds ridiculous huh? But since I started I've been having to check and double check it and make corrections to the dates I previously recorded in my phone. Today, I actually came into work 3 hours early because of a mistake I made. I often find I check the wrong dates, (even though I swear I double checked,) or that I have looked at the person above or below me's time. And it's not just work, it's ever


Need chaos scroll info and advice Info request: I have quite a few Chaos scrolls of goodness saved up from events. I know it's a stretch but I was wondering, does anyone know the likelyhood of it adding each different amount upon success? (like 30% chance of +0, 25% chance of +1, 20% chance of +2 etc etc) Are the odds different than a normal chaos scroll? Also, anyone know that info for incredible chaos? They add up to +10 right? I've passed like 5 and the biggest change I've gotten so far is a 3 difference to what it was before, which is pretty ridiculous.. If this info is unobtainable, can you guys share your experiences? Advice request: I've been using inno/incredible chaos on my 2 atk clean pants in hopes that on the first slot i can ge


2-star Enhancement scroll mechanics help Picture: So.. how does this work? I heard some time back that if you use it on an item with enhancements on it already, it will take it back to 2 stars? But according to the description, it says more enhancements=better effects.. So couldn't I enhance an item twice with AEE's, then used this to get 4 stars? And if an item already has enhancement stars, would that lower the chance of this working (even though it doesn't say it will in the desc.)?


Saving Maplestory An Idea (Btw title should be Saving Maplestory: An Idea) Here it is: A guild. And not just a guild, but a community. Seems simple (and probably stupid at first glance) but I think it could work for some people if it's done the right way. I've recently seen a ton of complaints about this patch, and one thread recently that showed a TON of people intending to quit. It kind of made me depressed in a weird way... it made me feel like quitting too. It basically said, no one can manage this new maplestory, only the proest of the pros succeed. People using massive amounts of nx for example. Or even people investing something else most others can't fully invest: time. (Nothing wrong with either of those btw) Whatever the methods,

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