
Which cra hat is more beneficial

Theres cra thief hat of 103 luk 3 att 9 successful pass no enhances. And there's cra hat with 13 att 65luk 10 times enhanced with 10 att bonus pot +3att so total of 26 att. Which would be more beneficial in the long run endgame?

September 15, 2015

6 Comments • Newest first


@nekama: yeah I wouldn't mind a Dark Dome. Good pick

Reply September 16, 2015

[quote=torque]pickpocket pilfer[/quote]
Those are overrated, I have one trust me. Dark Domes is where it's at. You just need to anvil something first.

Reply September 16, 2015

I don't know why people still claim that having more %LUK favors LUK over ATT. It's plain math that %stat and base stat are completely irrelevant in terms of contribution to damage.

with simple analysis you will find that luk benefits from more atk, and vice versa.

[quote=samueld9810]Which would be more beneficial in the long run[/quote]

the relative value of LUK/ATT depends on end game base luk/att ratio. generally it's somewhere between 2:1 to 3:1 i.e. 1 att worths 2-3 luk

Reply September 16, 2015 - edited

pickpocket pilfer

Reply September 16, 2015 - edited

13 atk is ~70-90 luk for a thief (ballparking. That + the 65 luk on it would make it better, but I'm not sure how much luk/atk is added from enhancements (too lazy to check)
But endgame you'll probably be scrolling your own for Pure luck with 30%s or Cogs for 20+ atk

So I would probably go for the atk one now. The fact that you're asking this probably means you don't have enough %luk for it to overkill the atk. And then you can always inno (or buy a new one for dirt cheap) when you actually go to perfect it

Reply September 16, 2015 - edited

If u have a lot of %LUK then luk will add more for you. Most end game item is primed anyways or 20 attack+ scrolled

Reply September 16, 2015 - edited