

Explosion in harlem

So for all those who live in N.y will know of this. there was an explosion in Harlem. last i checked on the news, there was over a dozen injured and 2 killed. coned said prior to the explosion someone called saying they smelled gas. due to the explosion rubble was blown everywhere, even onto the train tracks. i feel so bad for those who died and got injured and anyones homes and stores got ruined by it whats your thoughts on this?

March 12, 2014

23 Comments • Newest first


very scary. i woke up to a barrage of missed calls/texts from my parents saying the explosion is on our campus (i live close to harlem). my thoughts are with the victims.

Reply March 14, 2014

I love you. <3

Reply March 13, 2014

[quote=Hydraxide]@CaffeLatte You singlehandly turned a otherwise okay thread into a ragebait thread. Good job. I hope one day your family member dies and everyone tells you "I don't give a damn" because you 100% deserve it.[/quote]

The thing is, why would I care if strangers did or didn't care about someone I know dying

As far as I'm concerned, they don't or won't have any impact on me or my life, and vice versa

Reply March 13, 2014 - edited

[quote=1kevqn]Are you serious? Do you have parents? Cause if you do, shame on them for not teaching you good morals

@CaffeLatte: I don't live anywhere near Harlem, I don't know anyone that is connected to Harlem. There's no difference if it happened in Harlem, NY or in London. To not care that someone died, that's a bad quality[/quote]
bunch of kids and middle easterns died today in Syria. 2 days ago there was bombing in Iraq that killed couple of people. and of course, lovely afghanistan with it's daily bombing and murder. did you know about all that? the answe is most likely "no"

Reply March 12, 2014 - edited

@CaffeLatte You singlehandly turned a otherwise okay thread into a ragebait thread. Good job. I hope one day your family member dies and everyone tells you "I don't give a damn" because you 100% deserve it.

Reply March 12, 2014 - edited

[quote=Keane]Millions of kids die in Africa. Do you care?[/quote]

Yes. Numbers don't matter. Media likes to blast numbers in our face like it actually means something, what matters is people died for stupid reasons. Reasons that could've been prevented.

I don't think this was a gas leak, more of a cover story. Like 9/11. Al-Qaeda did WTC oooh BOLLOX. If anything America did WTC. CIA trained & funded Al-Qaeda with money made from exporting cocaine. When Afghan was fighting the Russians, REAGAN AND BUSH GAVE BIN LADEN WEAPONS. They called them freedom fighters, then 9/11 happens and they're labeled as terrorists. 'MERICA IS THE ONLY TERRORIST. I can't wait for WWIII to start(it's beginning for all you blind folks who watch CNN (2nd rate tmz), fox news(right wing propaganda)) so I can watch America fall from my 15mins from DC window. Also I didn't go off topic, everything is connected. rantrantrant

Reply March 12, 2014 - edited

do the harlem shake

Reply March 12, 2014 - edited

I think it's normal for people to not care about "little" things like an explosion over something "bigger", like a tsunami that killed 100s of people. If the explosion happened somewhere outside of NY, I honestly would care less about it. Of course, I would express sympathy toward the people that were affect by it but that's pretty much it. The explosion happened in an area that's pretty closed to where I attend school, so I tend to take this much more to the heart than other stuff. I personally think it's normal for people to feel sympathy for stuff that are more relevant to their life over other "less important" issues

Reply March 12, 2014 - edited

EDIT: Removed.

Reply March 12, 2014 - edited

[quote=1kevqn]@Ness: Your logic makes no sense.. Wasting time? How are you wasting time by thinking and feeling bad? No one is asking you to go visit their family and go to the funeral.[/quote]

Why are you so butt hurt over his opinion then if no one is asking him to do something about it?
Also the fact that you introduced parents into the argument means you're most likely still not out of high school, meaning your prefrontal cortex is still under major development, meaning arguing with you is a waste of time.

Reply March 12, 2014 - edited

[quote=1kevqn]Your time is so valuable, yet you spend it on Basilmarket. Nice[/quote]

Yes. Quite the curse this site is, yeah?

Anyway, back to subject.

Reply March 12, 2014 - edited

[quote=1kevqn]Your logic makes no sense.. Wasting time? How are you wasting time by thinking and feeling bad? No one is asking you to go visit their family and go to the funeral.[/quote]

Because people obviously don't discuss current events.

Hell, I'm wasting time arguing with you about how peoples' morals and ethics are different when I could be finishing homework.

Reply March 12, 2014 - edited

[quote=1kevqn]Are you serious? Do you have parents? Cause if you do, shame on them for not teaching you good morals[/quote]

Your morals are different from others'.

I'd rather think ethically and selfishly to get farther in life than waste time on the small things.

"Oh boo-hoo, two people died and others were injured."

We pop out babies [b]so much faster[/b] than this incredibly small value.

Also, "Cause" != "Because."

Reply March 12, 2014 - edited

[quote=1kevqn]It's called being considerate to others[/quote]

Why should they be considerate if the chance that they will ever come in contact with the people suffering is nil?

The same goes for any other disaster/poverty stricken area of the world.

Why should I waste my valuable time feeling bad about people I don't even know that don't amount to any substantial value in society?

Reply March 12, 2014 - edited

[quote=bumblexxxbee]guess you could say...
*puts on sunglasses*
people saw the harlem shake.[/quote]

This is cruel and funny at the same time.

Reply March 12, 2014 - edited

guess you could say...
*puts on sunglasses*
people saw the harlem shake.

Reply March 12, 2014 - edited

[quote=1kevqn]"More worse" you have the grammar of an eleven year old[/quote]

Damn son, you're not just some regular Grammar Nazi.

You're the goddamn Grammar Fuehrer.

Reply March 12, 2014 - edited

[quote=1kevqn]You're an ass.. you don't care that someone dies, just because you don't know them?

"More worse" you have the grammar of an eleven year old

Do you enjoy living in a cold country that even the citizens know it's the most pitiful country?[/quote]

What's the point of concerning yourself over two deaths when two more people were probably born as I posted this

Reply March 12, 2014 - edited

[quote=1kevqn]Do you enjoy living in a cold country that even the citizens know it's the most pitiful country?[/quote]
BRB, moving to Nigeria

Reply March 12, 2014 - edited

[quote=1kevqn]You're an ass.. you don't care that someone dies, just because you don't know them?

"More worse" you have the grammar of an eleven year old

Do you enjoy living in a cold country that even the citizens know it's the most pitiful country?[/quote]

You know, most Canadians live within 100 miles of the border with the US. It doesn't get that much colder.

Reply March 12, 2014 - edited

Nope, no casualties.

Reply March 12, 2014 - edited

[quote=acuppa]Something very similar happened in my area a few years ago. There was a gas leak in a house (which was being used as an office rather than a dwelling, fortunately) that built up inside until something set it off. The building literally blew apart like a Hollywood effect.[/quote]

dang, was anyone injured/killed?

Reply March 12, 2014 - edited

Something very similar happened in my area a few years ago. There was a gas leak in a house (which was being used as an office rather than a dwelling, fortunately) that built up inside until something set it off. The building literally blew apart like a Hollywood effect.

Reply March 12, 2014 - edited