

Scenario Youre a 5-star Alaskan chef 1 day from retirement

...and you find out the person who murdered your pet elephant Jerome is on a plane to Wisconsin at this very moment

Knowing you live in a ghetto in Detroit, do you risk a trip to the nearby state to avenge your pachyderm; with full knowledge that the final day of the intercity food competition for the vertically challenged is the same day?

And remember, you had already pledged your entry into that contest to your close friend, a Taiwanese midget who just recently became a Mexican restaurant head soup cook

October 11, 2014

6 Comments • Newest first


obviously, the solution is to get the midget friend to kill the person who killed your elephant, while you do the cooking competition

Reply October 11, 2014

not only am i a 5star chef,
i'm ex-navy seal who's also an x-men that can lift a goddam hippo.

and yes.

Reply October 11, 2014

...basil... I just don't know sometimes...

Reply October 11, 2014

Hold the phone. My elephant is named Tyrone, not Jerome. And I'm 2 days from retirement.

Reply October 11, 2014

If I have to get on a might just make more sense to wait out my last day and get on the plane later. A couple of hours won't be a huge deal. It's never too late for revenge.

Reply October 11, 2014

Revenge can wait.

I shall make my last day the best.

Reply October 11, 2014