
Hermes Cube, and 9th White Anniv gear

Do the 9th White Anniversary items not go up in tier? (Rare-Epic-Unique) I've used well over 15 cubes, and it hasn't gone from rare to epic. Where as when I used one Hermes Cube on a 9th Anniversary Black Ring it went from Epic-Unique. Has anyone else had this issue?

May 20, 2014

10 Comments • Newest first


I believe the cap is 10 per day, actually.

Reply May 21, 2014

It goes up, but ranking up seems to be all luck based. Sometimes it can take you one cube and other times much more. If it helps you though, my hat when up in rank in about 33ish cubes so keep trying and best of luck.

Reply May 20, 2014

[quote=Mentalist11]30 or 40 cubes?, as far as I understand you can only get 10 hermes cubes per week, correct me if I'm wrong.[/quote]

lolol no way, l've been getting at least 10 Hermes cubes a day, there is no limit to the amount of cubes you can get! So take advantage of it while you can!

Reply May 20, 2014

[quote=loxiona]just got to be patient. It took me only 2 cubes to get my android heart from epic to unique, but at least 30 or 40 to get my emblem from epic to unique.[/quote]

30 or 40 cubes?, as far as I understand you can only get 10 hermes cubes per week, correct me if I'm wrong.

Reply May 20, 2014

Patience is a virtue that shall never hurt you, so therefore embrace it rather than disgrace it! Got it.
Thanks all for the replies.

Reply May 20, 2014

just got to be patient. It took me only 2 cubes to get my android heart from epic to unique, but at least 30 or 40 to get my emblem from epic to unique.

Reply May 20, 2014

White items all come out as rare. o.O
The equips are level 100, yeah, but the ring is level 10.
Our luck sucks, Gible!

Reply May 20, 2014

got an unique white pendant, so I'd say no (I dropped it because it was pretty bad pot, and since it was the first white item I got, I'd assume they were all unique potted).

Reply May 20, 2014

probably based on luck
used 20 hermes cube on greed pendant still rare >.<

Reply May 20, 2014

ranking up is hard

Reply May 20, 2014