how to maximize Lp gain in league?


I recently got out of silver 3, getting about 20 or 22 Lp per win and loosing around 12 to 15, pretty reasonable to me. However, I am now in silver 2 and ive been winning around 60-70% of the time. I am usually the most or second most kills in the game, win or loose. Yet im only gaining around 12 or 13 per win and im loosing OVER 20 LP per loss! Am i doing something wrong or is there some way to increase the amount of Lp you get per win?

July 8, 2015

7 Comments • Newest first




Reply July 9, 2015

Duo queue with someone higher than you and willing to sacrifice their mmr

Reply July 9, 2015

Means you got a low MMR like @DawnEmperor explained. I think its called like Match Making Ranking?
If you're gaining a high amount of LP and losing little, it means you got a high MMR and are being matched up with those higher then your rank. Because you're facing difficult players, if you win you gain more LP but if you lose seeing how you versed harder players the LP loss is small. If your MMR is low however it is the opposite. You're being matched up with lower ranked players to match your skill level. If you win, you don't gain much seeing how you versed players that are lower ranked then you/lower skilled. If you lose, because you lost to easy players you lose even more LP.

Going on a winning streak seems to get you more LP because (I think) Your MMR adjusts and you start gaining more. I went on a pretty bad tilt and lost several games, so when I got started winning again, I only won little LP. However, I eventually got through and went on a 3 game winning streak and I started gaining more and more LP from 13 to 17 to 21.
Many say the system is flawed and you can find many threads about people complaining so it could just be the system messing up your MMR.
Or alternatively it could just be the fact that you're duoing like @Shusei said.

Reply July 9, 2015

are u duoing with someone with a low ass mmr by chance..

Reply July 9, 2015

LP kinda works like this
if your MMr is around Silver 3
and you are in Plat 5, you will gain very little LP a win and lose alot,
if your MMR is Silver 3
and you are in Bronze 5 you will gain alot of LP a win and lose very little.
LP gains is based of your MMR and whatever league you are in.

Reply July 9, 2015

doesnt matter about how many kills u have.

Reply July 8, 2015

Just win more than lose and it should fix itself eventually.

Reply July 8, 2015