

Need friends/group advice please

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Lately, I've been thinking if I should stay with the group of people that I am around or not. My friends tend to be different in many ways. Some of them drink, smoke, or do drugs. There are some friends of mine who tend to be ones that like to get into fights after school in private areas. A few of my friends are the quiet type, but rarely get to talk with me. Finally, there are the drama ones (mainly girls) who talk a lot about drama, even with me around. I'm not sure if I should stay around with these people, or move on and find a new group of people that are better for me.

Now, I'll give a bit of information about me, and why I'm un-sure if I should stay with my group, or leave the group. I'm one of the smartest students in my school, I'm very wise, and more mature then other people around me. Keep note that the group of people that hang out with me sometimes are either in grade nine to 12. Since, I'm more mature then most of my friends, I do not know if I should leave the group that I am in, or not.

If I were to stay with the group, what should I do in the group? If I did leave the group and left for people who were more mature like me, where should I start off with that? Thanks still for reading this and taking the time to send me a reply or comment.

June 17, 2012