
Quick Cwkpq Question

I heard the bosses now drop spectrum goggles, if so why do i not see ANY in fm (bellonova) and the ones i do see are 700m+, are the requirements for pq-ing the same (needing 2 of each class/mules to enter) and can a phantom solo the pq so long as the mule requirement is met?

Thanks in advance.

April 13, 2014

6 Comments • Newest first


@Edatron: What are you talking about? I didnt say it can solo it I mean it doesnt count torwards the 2 of each class to ente the stage when I tried with the new classes we ended up with 4 mages 0 warriors 1 theif 2 pirates and 1 archer. so then everyone got angry and left. and it takes me an hour or so to get a team for cwkpq together since my server is sparsely populated.

Reply April 14, 2014

1) You need minimum of 5 computers to do the PQ and even this can only be done if each job field is muled by 5 other characters.
1.5) If any of the 5 computers D/C before boss stage, it's a fail run.
2) Not that many people know how to CWK. It's also pretty confusing for first-timers.
3) Prepping also takes a bit of time. It can be hard sometimes to get 5 ppl.

Reply April 13, 2014

Specs are like 200m now in broa...

Reply April 13, 2014

[quote=powerlad88]cuz its rare and the new classes that should be included in cwkpq are screwed or put in as the wrong class. phantom=mage kaiser & zero=nothing. not really sure about the others but cygnus knights, adventureres( including db and cannoneer) are okay. mercedes is okay not sure about any others however.[/quote]

Spectrum Goggles aren't as rare anymore. We get a pair of goggles per pq, everytime my guild hosts a CWKPQ run. The real answer is that people really see no point in doing it anymore. People rarely use MoNs now and the PQ itself, isn't a challenge anymore.

The PQ requirement is still the same. Phantom cannot solo it. In fact, no class can solo it, since you need 1 of every class branch to enter the Room stage. The idea of having one class solo it, is stupid itself.

Reply April 13, 2014

it was so not rare, every cwpq run dropped 1 pair of specs.

the hard part is to get enough ppl to do a full run successfully.

Reply April 13, 2014

cuz its rare and the new classes that should be included in cwkpq are screwed or put in as the wrong class. phantom=mage kaiser & zero=nothing. not really sure about the others but cygnus knights, adventureres( including db and cannoneer) are okay. mercedes is okay not sure about any others however.

Reply April 13, 2014