


Price Check on Scrolls in Scania Hello basilers, I've come back for awhile, noticed many recent changes in prices of many items recently. So, first I need help on these scroll prices, I know there's a p/c here, but, I want a better knowledge & accurate prices on these. 10% / 60% / 70% gun 30% / 60% glove dex 10% glove atk 70% earring dex 60% xbow 60% cape str 10% overall dex 60% / 70% wand 30% xbow 60% 2h bw 60% claw 60% shoe dex 10% dagger 60% 2h sword atk 60% earring int 30% cape dex 10% helm hp 30% luk accessory 10% shield str 10% 2h bw 10% 2h axe 60% face acc. hp 30% 1h axe 60% pole atk 10% glove hp 30% 1h bw 70% knuckle atk Equip Enchant Clean slate 1% Pot. Scroll I'm from Scania as title suggests, so hope Scanians can help me with