How DayZ should be


Ways to stay happy

So, I know that this thread will seem weird to most, if not all of you guys, but I don't care anymore. I need some place to vent all of my frustrations and depressing situations that I'm currently in. So if you don't want to hear about what has happened over the course of last week in my life then just politely exit out of the thread and don't bother with this.

My College classes have rejected all of the work I had done in the course of 3 years, I've been working on biomedical engineering, re-engineering and re-building damaged / destroyed lungs by only using a couple cells. As well as making replacement hearts, and so on and so forth. I had done, so much research over this, I had worked my butt off to the fullest to do these things, I had experimented with tons of different types of lung and heart reconstruction cycles and recreation, I had found a simple and easy short cut to making replacement hearts. It's non-conversational stuff, the recreation of hearts and lungs for those who have damaged lungs and hearts? It's extremely hard work and for my College to just turn down all of my work without even glancing at it. There are people who follow me around while I'm at college saying that I'm worthless, that my discoveries about said reconstruction is, was and forever will be useless. This bullying has gone on for the entire duration of this week. I also wanted to go into enhancing the human body by combining the human body with technology in ways that will improve life in every way for a human. (Much like what happens in Deus ex Human Revolution) Things like that are already being researched and studied on under our noses, how do I know this? Because I have had a little sniff of this from a Professor of mine who has connections.

Well I already got pretty derailed, basically, all my work that I have done for 3 years was rejected without even being looked at by my college, and almost everyone at my college has been bashing me ever since then.

My girlfriend broke up with me which doesn't help my current situation.

I was mugged by four thugs. I no longer have a phone, or car. They gave me a black eye in return and I had to walk all the way home. As a result of walking all the way home, my feet have / still are extremely blistered Oh joy! I had a soccer game this Friday as well, I'm a pretty mean goal keeper but I couldn't goal keep with a black eye and blistered feet. Score was 3 - 12. Worst goal keeping I have ever done in my entire life. I was kicked from my soccer team.

I've had my Desktop taken away from me, all of my computer designs, (I start reconstructing hearts / lung / design human implants, from my computer.) And I can't design such things if I don't have a powerful enough computer to run the software. Therefore I cannot make designs, research or play TF2. Which means that I cannot do anymore work for my college..

So if you're too lazy to read all that,

1. all my work that I have done for 3 years was rejected without even being looked at by my college, and almost everyone at my college has been bashing me ever since then.
2. My parents have been bashing on me for losing my car
3. I was mugged
4. I no longer have a girlfriend
5. I no longer have a car
6. I no longer have a phone
7. I no longer have a Desktop where I do all my research and work
8. I am no longer on a soccer team
9. Black eyes are attractive right?
10. I am shunned and bashed by everyone at my College

The emotional damage of all of this is too much for me to handle. My psychiatrist is gone, my friends in real life shun me, my parents yell at me every I ask them for help.. So I'm trying to handle it all alone, and a act of shier desperation, post all of my problems here and hope that someone comes along and helps me solve all my problems.

My reactions for these; For 1 - 3. (I'm obviously in denial" For Problem 4. For everything else.

I'unno. I'm weird when it comes to being depressed.

September 15, 2012

15 Comments • Newest first


Dang bro
I would just end it all
kicked from the soccer team too?
yeah, better just end it

Reply September 19, 2012

[quote=iShottedSnow]Well, look. Go be happy. Don't mope around at home on basil. Go.[/quote]

Thank you

Reply September 17, 2012


I've never bothered to look

Reply September 16, 2012

[quote=iShottedSnow]@sonic4532: Nah, you just haven't experienced it. Go paintball gunning! Or Lazer tag. Hot air ballooning is incredible. Whale watching.. is underwhelming.. [url=]Experience this.[/url][/quote]

Not a lot of those in Oregon xD

Reply September 16, 2012

[quote=iShottedSnow]Hmm.. Weird how girls deal with these things, petty.

Go skydiving! Go to the theme park! Drown your sorrows with rum! Club all night! Strippers! Go! Now![/quote]

Uhh, I'm not that kind of person .. Though I do drown my sorrows with rum when they become overwhelming.

Reply September 16, 2012

Thanks everyone

Reply September 16, 2012 - edited

[quote=iiLilx]@Laker1294: It's worse being privileged, getting what you want in your life, and then having your life crumbling, JUST SAYING

Edit: @ TS, sorry for stealing your thread. I shall disappear into the mist now.[/quote]

You can see a psychologist..maybe they can help you deal with your emotions...and viewpoint of life.. Just a suggestion.

Reply September 15, 2012 - edited

[quote=iiLilx]@Laker1294: That's true, but not trying to be a pathetic venter or anything, but no one understands my situation and I swear, other people have better lives and I'm just stuck in an unfortunate position. [/quote]

I'm sure there's someone who feels the same way, you do..there's over 7 billion people in this world.. Some other people have worse lives.. It's true that some people have better.

Reply September 15, 2012 - edited

[quote=iiLilx]@Laker1294: Yeah, I'm a swimmer; I know how you feel. But it's okay, I don't really care, because I feel like life is just a joke. [/quote]

Aww..well there's less fortunate people out there though..and you could make the best of your life? Life is what you make of it. (I know it sounds cliche but it's true in a way)

Reply September 15, 2012 - edited

[quote=iiLilx]I know how you feel, man... I just usually sit alone in my room, against a wall or something, and listen to music loudly with headphones on, drift to sleep, and I wake up better the next day. But after reading all of that, well, the only thing I really have to say is good luck starting on a new leaf. There are many opportunities in the future for you to thrive. Maybe it's just a bad period of time for you after all. I have had that, but unlike you, I'm just stupid and clumsy, and I swear, I nearly killed myself the past month. Things will get better over time, trust me. I wish you luck.[/quote]

I hope you don't do that too often..loud music damages your ear. Trust me..I've listened to my ipod for 6hours a day for a week and I ended up with swimmers ears..and an ear infection.


I keep a journal too..and write in it to make me feel better when I feel down.


Sometimes it's hard to think positively.

Reply September 15, 2012 - edited

just think positively. Can't really get any worse, so your life's bound to get better from here on out ;]

Reply September 15, 2012 - edited

Simplest way I know is singing.

Reply September 15, 2012 - edited

Well, I'm here if you ever need someone to talk to. Feel free to pm me.

Reply September 15, 2012 - edited

[quote=KaiXai]I hope you don't start becoming those weird catholic people after suffering horrible events. I'm pretty sure you could get back from your feet without the use of those "god" beliefs.[/quote]

I'm agnostic

Reply September 15, 2012 - edited

Stem cells?

Reply September 15, 2012 - edited