

Dota 2 beta Psa

For anyone interested in the Dota 2 beta, valve just released a patch that made a cash shop for Dota 2.

The game is going to be f2p with all heroes unlocked (yay!) and all items in the cash shop are cosmetic (hon style mixed in with tf2, meaning couriers and hopefully broadcasters along with individual items (not skins yet))

Though the game is f2p, it's in closed beta now, but people are allowed to get access to it for $39.99 (not really worth it...)

just a psa for all you moba players out there, i've been in the beta for around 6 months now and I have to say, that valve is doing an awesome job with dota 2, i was afraid that the microtransaction model would follow LoL (meaning hero rotation along with unlockable heroes), but this exceeds all of my expectations (was expecting some sort of hero pack on release or something for people who don't want to unlock heroes).

June 1, 2012

1 Comment • Newest first


I applied for a beta key but never got one.

Are those cosmetic items like CS items in Maple? Like will they just cover the old one or completely replace it?

Reply June 1, 2012