
P/c Nova Charon boots

Hey guys, I started playing maple again a month ago, and got a pair of clean Nova Charon boots (the bowman ones) from easy Magnus today.
It's 3L rare, normal stats.

Would this be worth psok'ing and selling? I've only got enough reward points for that one thing, so I'd like to make sure it's worth it. This is in GAZED btw.


March 2, 2015

5 Comments • Newest first


even if it is worth 500m (most likely 200-300m), the 4000 reward points would not be work it seeing that psok is about 600m

Best thing to do is for you to sell sheild, guardian, or any other scroll service u can buy from reward points.

Hope this helped. as for the boots, just extract them for superior item crytals and sell those

Reply March 2, 2015

I think it'd be worth mentioning I currently have like 500 mil in networth, so "nothing" to you guys may be a lot more to me.

That's in Scania though right? I actually have no idea whether GAZED would be higher or lower in price.

Reply March 2, 2015

I believe you can sell it for a good 500m or so. I often see Nova boots in the fm for 1b.

Reply March 2, 2015

better off extracting them or enhancing it until lit booms for the lulz

Reply March 2, 2015