

Price checks and advice please

Need Price check for RSC Glove and Cane, and a SW Glove. The cane was made before RED came out so they are a bit obsolete now days
I'm also trying to decide whether it will be cheaper buying a pair of perfect SW gloves after selling the two gloves, or just plain out transposing the two. All help and advice will be greatly appreciated, Thanks.


January 16, 2014

2 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Regatzopunk]the empress gloves might be around 3b and SW clean are around 1b and cane is 2-3b. Not so sure on prices though, but I do recommend transposing cause you will gain 18 attack and have 51 attack gloves which is pretty OP[/quote]

Thing is i do plan on getting a SW glove, but if i transpose, it will cost time and denaros which could be used elsewhere. So if i could sell the two gloves, i won't mind paying a little extra with the money i made as long as i won't be spending a lot more for a scrolled and nebbed SW glove.
Which is why i'm trying to get as much information as possible before determining which option to follow

Reply January 16, 2014

the empress gloves might be around 3b and SW clean are around 1b and cane is 2-3b. Not so sure on prices though, but I do recommend transposing cause you will gain 18 attack and have 51 attack gloves which is pretty OP

Reply January 16, 2014