

sick days at school

recently I got stomach flu or food poisoning and I had like the worst shts and had a really bad stomach ache at school just when the teachers decide to give all the tests I couldn't concentrate and balled some hard Cs, I tried to talk to people acting like things were a normal day but I could barely keep a straight face, I had one of those moments where you get roasted and you dont hear what they say so you just sit there while your friends laugh </3, what are some of the worst days at school you've ever had?

March 11, 2015

5 Comments • Newest first


It wasn't completely bad:

Back to school, still sick from fever
Had to do make-up AP Stats test
Can't concentrate because I had to take a test during class with a loud ass class
Headache starts + anxiety kicks in
Oh balls, 20 min until class ends still have 8 MC left
Guess 3, did the other 5
BS the other Free Response
Got result back
Hallelujah Jesus for 86%

Reply March 11, 2015

[quote=tiesandbowties]i loled so hard [/quote] it was really embarrassing because I was droppin the bomb the kind where you cant even stand the smell and this dude walks in the bathroom and he goes aww what the f? I have these really white shoes that everybody always compliments on so I knew I was about to be recognized so I just put my feet against the stall door for like 5 mins hoping he wasn't waiting to take a dump, thankfully he didn't. freaking worst day ever.

Reply March 11, 2015

Night before math exam
Throwing up
Terrible at math
Didn't study
Currently have a 52 in math
I need to pass this course
Walk into the exam the next day saying to myself I'm gonna fail this and have to do grade 12 math again fml
End up passing the course with a 54

Reply March 11, 2015 - edited

Reminds me of my 1st semester sophomore English final when I had a really bad cold/flu and a sore throat and a cough and I felt so crappy. But I had to try to remember stuff about The freakin' Great Gatsby, which I freakin' hate.

Reply March 11, 2015 - edited