
Hero vs Buccaneers

Sorry if you are annoyed seeing these kind of thread but
i wanted to know there pros and con and which is better.

May 6, 2015

3 Comments • Newest first


Do we really cap fast? I'm still having so much trouble getting close to that :l.

But yeah Bucc's mob a lot better; Heroes are pretty much stuck with one really short ranged skill which is really annoying when grinding. Heroes are relatively good at bossing due to Enrage (hits one mob), so I guess it's a question of mobbing vs. bossing.

Reply May 6, 2015

I like buccaneers more than I like heroes. Heroes have pretty bad mobbing, and buccaneers have amazing mobbing by comparison. You also have a sweet super saiyan buff that nobody else gets. However, Heroes can hit 1m lines with little to no funding on a boss. It's kind of crazy how quickly you can get to capping as a hero.

Reply May 6, 2015

Heros are probably better overall for bossing not being depending on luck chance. Hero has "hidden range" meaning that their range my seem lower but may hit higher numbers due to % on skills. I haven't really touched my Buccaneer since I hosted the first GMS all Pirate Zakum run prior to the revamp back in the day, all I know is I don't like the changes after I came back from my long hiatus.

The answer for what to choose is: Play what you like, damage will follow.

However, you get only whatever time/effort/money you put in. Don't expect to hit cap instantly, it's a long process and you need to be patient.

Pros: Good with funding and dedication
Cons: No dedication or funding and no lack of motivation to work for yourself to improve

Reply May 6, 2015