

stealth07 #Updates Talk

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Unregistering attacks/Misses killing? Today i was on my Dawn Warrior, and had gotten the lvl 25 CK quest for perion. Well, i went to kill wooden masks and some of my attacks are not registering -.-...I'll hit like a 700, 520, 50, 732, etc. and the monster still not die. But then i'll hit a Miss (No dex, so low accuracy) and they die..? But then randomly my attacks will register.... I was not having this problem until just a few minutes ago, and it is not from lag because it isn't happening on my other Characters (Aran, DB, Sin). This has happened before, but on bubblings (The blue things in kerning city subway? o.o..) and it was for a quest. This only seems to happen to monsters i'm trying to kill for quests... Has anybody else had this pro